“The closest Tim Walz has ever come to combat is when he let rioters burn Minneapolis to the ground.” -Senator JD Vance
“We have been conditioned to think that only politicians can solve our problems. But at some point, may we will wake-up and recognize that it was the politicians who create our problems.” -Ben Carson
“Kamala Harris becomes the first candidate to become a major party presidential nominee without receiving even a single vote, without putting even a single policy on a website, without standing for even a single press conference, or without sitting for a single interview.” -Former Congressman Lee Zeldin (NY)
“Liberals love to say things like, ‘We’re just asking everyone to pay their fair share.” But government is not about asking. It is about telling. The difference is fundamental. It is the difference between making love and being raped, between working for a living and being a slave. The Internal Revenue Service is not asking anybody to do anything. It confiscates your assets and put you behind bars if you don’t pay.” -Thomas Sowell
Democrat’s Convention: Oh my!?! I loved when the crowd started chanting “do something.”
Are they aware that their party has been in charge of the country for the last 3 ½ years?!?
The Democrats have controlled the White House 12 of the last 16 years, and somehow, it’s all Trump’s fault😊 Psst… Kamala was the Vice President for almost 4 years now and accomplished what??? Many, if not MOST, of the things Kamala complained about, they could have addressed in the last 3 ½ years in office!
Yes, Kamala Harris can READ a speech, and she did a great job, relatively speaking, while accepting her coronation. However, the content of the speech that a moderate Republican could have given belies her record, votes, statements, and allies’ positions. To say her speech was full of lies, misrepresentations, and misleading statements about Trump and what Republicans “plan” on doing would be an understatement. From a substance/policy perspective, NOTHING. That makes what she said and how it came off all the more dangerous.
Now their strategy is “strategic ambiguity”…in other words, don’t tell people what you really think and see if you can fool most of the voters… and many will fall for it.
And then there’s the Obamas. Michelle says her parents “were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed.”
Well, these two “public servants” are now worth $70-$100 MILLION and live in THREE mansions around the country while taking hundreds of thousands of dollars to give speeches.
Commentator Brit Hume nailed it about Michelle Obama. It gets a little rich when she starts talking about hope again. I can’t imagine a person with the life she’s had, a product of Princeton and Harvard, a First Lady of the United States, a magnificent house on Martha’s Vineyard worth about $12 MILLION and a home in Hawaii. Why is she still looking for hope?
The Obama’s hypocrisy and irony of their statements is dumbfounding!
Day 1 – Over 1,313 Days Late!: All the promises Kamala Harris is making for “day 1” are over 1,300+ days late of her FIRST day as the Vice President of the United States.
One would think the Vice Preside could have “some” influence and do “some” things on a policy front that she thought were important?
Now Kamala claims she has “solutions” to America’s problems, but she’s NOT going to do anything about it for another 5 months until she wins this election?!? Go ahead America, keep suffering and I’ll deal with it later she says.
Just more misleading rhetoric, not to mention policy “lies” that belie her earlier statements and votes. She is NOT very believable given her history.
Voting for a party that gives illegals $3,000 in assistance a month but ONLY gives our seniors $1,200 a month in Social Security is the definition of insanity.
Raising Taxes: Under the Harris proposal, the top combined federal-state capital gains tax will exceed 50% in many states.
California: 59%
New Jersey: 55.3%
Oregon: 54.5%
Minnesota: 54.4%
New York: 53.4%
Damn… are you paying attention!!!
AND a 25% tax on unrealized gains… look out farmers, business owners, and crypto players!
National Voter ID – Blockchain: With voter rolls in disarray and potentially 10-20% of our voter rolls will include illegal immigrants, who by law are NOT allowed to vote in federal elections, it’s time for a change.
I suggest we move to a National Vote ID system where we use blockchain technology to register voters requiring proof of citizenship for those allowed to vote in federal elections and in those states or municipalities where illegal immigrants are allowed to vote, they have a state base designation.
You come in, scan your anonymous blockchain generated, voter ID. That immediately determines if you qualify for a federal ballot or state/local only ballot, you get your ballot, vote, and off you go.
The system is administered and governed by all 50 Secretary of States + DC Clerk. The system is LIMITED to voter registration ONLY and can ONLY be changed by ¾ agreement by ALL Secretary of States. This will limit the possibility of abuse of the voter registration for “other” purposes.
When you move to a new jurisdiction, you scan your voter registration card (hard copy or electronic), it verifies your identity and re-registers you as a resident of a new state or local municipality.
Easy to Vote…Hard to Cheat!
Must Read Books: We are at a turning point in our country and we should learn from history. Here are two books everyone should read and/or re-read.
One is a classic, George Orwell’s 1984. Most of us should have read this in high school, but apparently too many have forgotten the lessons enclosed.
The second, You Will Own Nothing by Carl Roth. A provocative discussion of today’s ‘Big Brother” and the dangers of such groups as the World Economic Forum, WHO, and UN among others, that are literally trying to dictate and limit EVERY ONE’s liberties, create a social credit system, and more. Just something good to understand or at least contemplate.

You Will Own Nothing

Read more below and follow me on Twitter & GETTR – @sanuzis
–Saul Anuzis
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Saul’s News Weekly Rewind Video
Links to the articles discussed in the video:
New Video – We Are Senior Citizens
Yes, we are Senior Citizens and we give credit where credit is due. Kamala Harris has accused President Trump of wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare. Nothing could be further from the truth!
In fact, 60 Plus – The American Association of Senior Citizens just made a new video thanking President Trump for FIGHTING to protect Social Security and Medicare.
With your help we can continue the fight and run the video in crucial swing states. Donating just $50 can run the video in 2 swing states and $100 can help us run the video in 4 swing states.
Thank you for your help and support of the 60 Plus Association.
Donate Today! Visit https://www.60plus.org/donate
Kamala Harris’ Moment in the Sun

After three-and-a-half days of largely meaningless Democratic National Convention speeches (at least as seen by this pro-Donald Trump Republican), the great moment came. We got to hear Vice President Kamala Harris’s acceptance speech.
While I disagree with virtually all her radical policies, she gave a good speech. She combined strong speechwriting with excellent training on delivery. It was evidence of the Democrats’ advantage of having Hollywood friends who advise them.
Harris was preceded by her sister, who did a fine job of humanizing Harris and her mother. By the end of the introduction, I felt admiration for her mother, family, and the life lessons they had learned.
The convention audience – deeply relieved that President Joe Biden’s withdrew and fine with the bosses’ decision that Harris was the nominee – was primed for total support. Harris did a good job of patiently accepting the steady out-pouring of support from the party she now leads.
Her speech started strong and briefly drifted into the usual banal partisan attacks. But then it switched back to patriotism.
Whether she believes it, or because her advisers showed her the polls which reflect that most Americans are stunningly patriotic, Kamala Harris picked up the rhythm. We are now a long way from the left’s support for football players who refused to stand for the national anthem.
In fact, this was the most patriotic, pro-American audience of any Democratic National Convention since the 1960 Los Angeles Convention which nominated John F. Kennedy for president.
If you were confused about the sudden change in tone, the answer is simple. The Obama political team has moved in to run the Harris campaign. You can expect her to suddenly take common-sense, popular positions – for the campaign, at least. The San Francisco radical version of Harris will be on vacation for a few months. The failures of the Biden administration will be put in one of George Orwell’s “memory holes,” and no one in the media will mention she’s been vice president with Biden for the last 1,300-plus days. Until the election, for Democrats, protests are out, and patriotism is in.
Kamala Harris Platform Promises More Migrants, More Amnesty, and More Government

The Democratic Party 2024 platform celebrates President Joe Biden’s disastrous welcome for millions of foreign migrants and it promises further increases in migration via multiple new channels, regardless of the impact on Americans.
The platform is built on the progressive claim that the United States exists for the benefit of foreigners, saying “America is a nation of immigrants.”
Americans’ homeland “must continue to be a beacon of hope and opportunity” for foreigners, says the platform.
That pro-migrant claim is paired with vitriol toward Donald Trump’s promise to “Make America Great Again” for American citizens. The Democrats’ platform states:
Again and again, Trump has shown us who he is on the issue of hate. He rubs shoulders with and encourages white supremacists … He will reinstate his disgraceful Muslim ban if he’s elected, continuing his long history of Islamophobia … We will combat hate crimes and white nationalist terrorism.
Trump has said that if he’s elected, he’ll move to immediately deport millions of undocumented immigrants, including those who have lived in and contributed to this country for years. He and his allies have also promised to end birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented individuals … bar undocumented children from public schools, and once again separate children from their families.
“Trump’s plans are out of line with American values,” the document says, despite multiple polls showing that most Americans want illegal migrants to be sent back to their homes.
Three Harris DNC attack lines against Trump that were inaccurate or false

Harris made inaccurate claims about Trump’s platform, including his views on abortion and Social Security
Vice President Kamala Harris delivered her acceptance speech for the Democratic presidential nomination on Thursday at the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention.
In her pitch to voters, Harris read a laundry list of complaints and accusations about Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
Some of the attacks on Trump hinged on inaccurate interpretations about the former president’s platform and policies, while others were outright false.
The Myriad Projections of the 2024 Campaign

Projection is a Freudian psychological term. It describes a particular defensive mechanism, when people, often unconsciously, attribute their own (usually undesirable) behaviors to others who do not have them.
These mental gymnastics are intended to alleviate one’s own guilt or sense of inadequacy at the expense of another.
Sound familiar?
But in the political sphere, projection involves more overt dissimulation. It is increasingly common for leftist candidates or political parties to falsely accuse their opponents of the very destructive behaviors and unpopular agendas that they themselves embrace, but out of political necessity must deny.
Rather than an unconscious Freudian defense mechanism, political projection is usually a conscious strategy of hiding one’s own negatives by fobbing them off on antagonists.
Projection often proves a quite successful ploy.
After all, the political projectionist knows best his own hazardous or off-putting conduct and policies. And so, he can most skillfully attribute just these liabilities to those who have had no experience with them.
Our Leftist Projectionists
The 2024 Harris-Walz campaign is turning out to be projectionist to the core. How?
No One Is Buying It

No one is buying what Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democratic Party are selling these days.
Earlier this week, on the opening night of the demonic confab in Chicago that Democrats call their national convention, the outgoing commander-in-chief explicitly denied that he was “angry at all those people” who said he should “step down” following his catastrophic face plant at the June presidential debate. There is not a single soul who actually believes this. For weeks following the debate, while the corporate media and Democrat elites circled like piranhas, the White House defiantly stood its ground and insisted it wasn’t going anywhere. Biden eventually caved, but it beggars belief that he is not angry at those very Democrats who shivved him in the back and then forced him to read his own political eulogy—a screeching, bitter rant—on national television. No one is buying it, Joe.
On the second night of their satanic summit, Democrats heard from dyed-in-the-wool communist Bernie Sanders. Sanders, who honeymooned in the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War and flew a literal hammer-and-sickle communist flag in his old mayoral office, is a leading kingmaker in today’s Democratic Party. At one point during his speech, Sanders intoned: “I want you all to remember where we were three and a half years ago.” Do Democrats really want to compare the actual track records of Donald Trump and Biden? Before COVID-19 hampered Trump’s final year in office, Russia didn’t invade Ukraine, Hamas didn’t massacre Israelis, the economy didn’t enter a formal recession, inflation didn’t reach a four-decade high, millions of unvetted illegal aliens didn’t flood into the country, and America was a net-exporter of energy. No one is buying this one either, commie.
RNC lawsuit claims Detroit hired seven times more Dem poll workers than Republicans, violating state law

RNC accuses the Detroit Election Commission of a ‘completely unacceptable breach of public trust’
The Republican National Committee (RNC) is suing the Election Commission of the City of Detroit over allegations they violated state law by hiring more than seven times more Democratic poll workers than Republicans for the 2024 election.
Michigan requires that the board of election commissioners “shall appoint an equal number, as nearly as possible, of election inspectors in each election precinct from each major political party,” according to Section 168.74 of the state’s election law.
However, the city of Detroit hired about 2,300 Democratic poll workers and only about 300 Republican election inspectors for the state’s 2024 primary election, according to the Detroit Election Commission Report cited in the lawsuit.
The lawsuit, filed by the RNC, Michigan GOP, and chairs of Wayne County Republican committees late Thursday, charged that the City of Detroit’s Election Commission violated state law and, moreover, has a legal duty to appoint an equal number of GOP and Democratic poll workers before the November election.
Who Is ‘Destroying Democracy in Darkness?

The 2023-2024 campaign season is not just the strangest on record, it’s also arguably the most anti-democratic.
Ostensibly, the Democratic Party has claimed over the last decade that Donald Trump posed a continued and existential threat to the republic.
That allegation subsequently justified a variety of anti-democratic means to neuter his first two presidential candidacies, his presidency, and now his third and final run for the White House.
A near decade ago, we witnessed the 2015-2016 Hillary Clinton/Democratic National Committee/FBI-assisted effort to plant the false accusation of Trump-Russian collusion to warp the 2016 election.
That gambit centered around the fraudulent Steele dossier and nearly fatally crippled the Trump 2016 campaign. That hoax would later sidetrack 22 months of his presidency before being proven a fantasy.
On the eve of the 2020 election, the left next birthed the Russian laptop disinformation campaign.
That hoax also warped a presidential debate with false charges that Hunter Biden’s own incriminating laptop was once again the work of Russians seeking to conspire with Trump.
Those unusual efforts continued during the Biden administration.
For the first time in election history, the allies of one campaign sought to persuade some 16 states to try to remove a major party’s likely nominee from their primary and general election ballots.
From ‘open hearts’ to closed borders: behind Sweden’s negative net immigration figures

Record low asylum applications ‘surprising’ when global displacement is at all-time high, with aid agencies blaming fear and far-right rhetoric
Ten years ago the then prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt asked Swedes to “open your hearts” to refugees. Now the country’s migration minister is celebrating the fact Sweden has “negative net immigration”, with more people thought to be leaving the country than entering for the first time in more than half a century.
“The number of asylum applications is heading towards a historically low level, asylum-related residence permits continue to decrease and for the first time in 50 years Sweden has net emigration,” Maria Malmer Stenergard announced earlier this month.
Sweden’s Moderate-led government, which is supported by the far-right Sweden Democrats, has pursued increasingly restrictive asylum policies, including plans for a “snitch law” that would legally require public sector workers to report undocumented people.
While the workings behind the government’s conclusion have attracted speculation – including from the government agency whose figures Stenergard’s statement was based on – the UN high commissioner for refugees confirmed the trend. It was surprising, the UNHCR said, that while global displacement was at an all-time high, the number of people seeking asylum in Sweden was at an all-time low.
“The statistics show Sweden having a net outflow of immigrants for the first time in decades,” Annika Sandlund, the UNHCR representative to the Nordic and Baltic countries, told the Guardian.
Javier Milei Delivers Argentina’s First Surplus in Over a Decade—and US Media Is Silent

The revelation that Argentina has done something the US government hasn’t done in more than two decades—run a budget surplus—seems like a newsworthy event. So why the silence?
Argentines witnessed something amazing last week: the government’s first budget surplus in nearly a dozen years.
The Economy Ministry announced the figures Friday, and the government was $589 million in the black.
Argentina’s surplus comes on the heels of ambitious cuts in federal spending pushed by newly-elected President Javier Milei that included slashing bureaucracy, eliminating government publicity campaigns, reducing transportation subsidies, pausing all monetary transfers to local governments, and devaluing the peso.
Milei’s policies, which he has himself described as a kind of “shock therapy,” come as Argentina faces a historic economic crisis fueled by decades of government spending, money printing, and Peronism (a blend of national socialism and fascism).
These policies have pushed the inflation rate in Argentina, once one of the most prosperous countries in Latin America, above 200 percent. Today nearly 58 percent of the Argentine population lives in poverty, according to a recent study.
New Taliban Vice Laws Forbid Women From Looking At Men, Singing In Public, Solo Travel

Just over three years after taking power in the wake of the disastrously-executed US military withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Taliban government has issued its first formal vice laws, which include many sharp restrictions on the conduct of women, alongside broader societal rules.
“Inshallah, we assure you that this Islamic law will be of great help in the promotion of virtue and the elimination of vice,” said Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice spokesman Maulvi Abdul Ghafar Farooq on Thursday. (“Inshallah” translates as “If God wills it.”) The Taliban created the ministry upon taking over the country, and it has the lead responsibility for enforcement via warnings and arrests.
Spanning 114 pages and comprising 35 articles, the new set of laws was published Wednesday after being approved by Afghanistan’s reclusive Supreme Leader Hibatullah Akhundzada. Focusing on women, Article 13 requires women’s bodies to be veiled whenever they’re in public, to avoid tempting or being tempted. It stipulates that the covering should be thick, loose and long, the Associated Press reported.
Lest women be corrupted, covering is required any time they’re in the presence of non-Muslim men or women. It’s now officially illegal for women to look at men unless they’re married or blood relatives; men are likewise prohibited from looking at non-related women. Women are barred from letting their voices be heard singing or reading aloud in public. In 2022, the Taliban banned girls from attending secondary schools and universities.