“I we could just jail Trump, get rid of MAGA, end the Electoral College, stack the Supreme Court, ban voter ID, and censor free speech we could save democracy!” -Liberals
Harris & Walz: A combo being nominated by a rump convention, where NOT a single vote was cast in any primary, caucus, or convention to nominate Kamala Harris or Tim Walz.
Two progressive liberal politicians, out of touch with middle America and my father’s Democrat party. Long gone are the days of JFK.
The Democrats a pushing a radical, left wing agenda that will cost TRILLIONS of dollars and destroy western civilization as we know it.
Open Borders, inflation, racism, a broken criminal justice system, and more are coming to YOUR backyard.
Vote like your family’s life and the future of our country depended on it.
Patriotic Immigration: I’m all FOR legal immigration. My family immigrated here from Lithuania, and I didn’t learn to speak English until I started the first grade. My family immigrated to America and got their citizenship while keeping their culture and roots. But like most immigrants of the past, they came here to find their piece of the American Dream.
They learned a language, learned a skill, worked hard, and raised their children to be proud Americans while remembering and appreciating their culture and the country they came from.
No conflicts, no questions. We are proud Americans of Lithuanian decent.
We should continue to welcome people from all over the world who want to be Americans. They must not only respect but tolerate any differences people have, but never doubt that they have come to our country to be Americans.
If you don’t want to assimilate, if you want a revolution, if you want some fundamental interpretation of your religion that doesn’t fit or can be tolerated in western civilization, then you shouldn’t come.
What America needs and wants is patriotic immigration… people who appreciate what this country, its people, and its culture have to offer. No more, no less.
Scary Scenario: One of the scariest videos I’ve ever seen. Worth watching, albeit relatively long, it’s an important process to understand.
Read more below and follow me on Twitter & GETTR – @sanuzis
–Saul Anuzis
Click Here for Past Commentary from Saul
Saul’s News Weekly Rewind Video
This Week: Tim Walz said he would raise the retirement age for Social Security, Black voter says sky high inflation is killing people, and JD Vance agrees to debate Walz in October!
New Video – We Are Senior Citizens
Yes, we are Senior Citizens and we give credit where credit is due. Kamala Harris has accused President Trump of wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare. Nothing could be further from the truth!
In fact, 60 Plus – The American Association of Senior Citizens just made a new video thanking President Trump for FIGHTING to protect Social Security and Medicare.
With your help we can continue the fight and run the video in crucial swing states. Donating just $50 can run the video in 2 swing states and $100 can help us run the video in 4 swing states.
Thank you for your help and support of the 60 Plus Association.
Donate Today! Visit https://www.60plus.org/donate
The Democratic Convention and ‘the Politics of Joy’

The last Democratic National Convention held in Chicago was 56 years ago.
In 1968, a deeply split Democratic Party found its convention surrounded by thousands of militant anti-Vietnam War demonstrators. What would later be called a police riot exploded. Tear gas drifted from Grant Park into the convention center.
The American people watched what was essentially a civil war within the Democratic Party on live television. Richard Nixon, the Republican presidential nominee, found himself much closer to the presidency at the end of that week.
This year, the Kamala Harris-Tim Walz team is hoping for a much quieter and more successful convention. Their issueless theme has been captured in recent articles about the so-called “politics of joy.”
The great challenge for Vice President Harris and her team is the “politics of joy” will be completely tone deaf for many Americans.
According to RealClear Politics, 65 percent of Americans say our country is on the wrong track. Only 25 percent say we are moving in the right direction. This isn’t exactly joyful given Harris is the current vice president.
If your family budget is squeezed by the 20 percent price increases under the Joe Biden-Harris administration, you are not likely feeling joyful.
If you have no hope of buying a home because Biden-Harris policies have made it too expensive, you have no joy.
If your loved one was killed in the disastrous collapse in Afghanistan, you don’t feel joyful.
The Weird, Creepy, Surreal — And Dangerous — 2024 Campaign

The already-long 2024 presidential campaign has become the strangest in modern history.
Here are 10 unanswered questions that illustrate how and why we’ve entered this bizarro world:
1. How can Kamala Harris merely promise us fixes to come in 2025 for inflation and an open border when she is still vice president for another six months? Why can’t she enact her proposed solutions to these problems (which she helped create) right now?
2. Would the media prefer to help her win but lose further credibility themselves by failing to ask why she has disowned her last three decades of leftist agendas, or to reclaim some of their reputations and thereby risk her losing?
3. Does the left appreciate the new campaign and election protocols it has now established?
That is to say:
Cancel by fiat their virtual nominee four months before the election when he sinks in the polls?
Nullify the outcome of a year of primaries and the will of 14 million voters?
Threaten a sitting president with removal by the 25th Amendment process unless he steps aside as his party nominee?
Anoint a replacement nominee before the convention and without a single primary — and then prevent any rival candidates from challenging her?
4. After the precedents of 2020 and 2024, is the future orthodox protocol for any Democratic nominee now to avoid all interviews and extempore speaking, and stick to teleprompted speeches and scripted responses only?
Is the fear that a transparent progressive messenger with an overt and honest left-wing message will double down on it and thus guarantee defeat?
5. For the next 80 days, has the chameleon-like Harris now become a temporary MAGA candidate, as she expropriates former President Donald Trump’s positions from border security to no taxes on tips? Does the media care to ask the new 80-day MAGA Harris why she has renounced many of her once emphatic beliefs?
6. If Democratic presidential reelection candidate Joe Biden was pronounced fit as a fiddle before June 27, but after July 21 was abruptly forced off the ticket as too debilitated to continue as his party’s nominee, what exactly is his status now?
(Half-cognizant and thus able enough to continue his not-so-important task as America’s president, but also half-enfeebled and thus utterly unable to continue as the far more important Democratic nominee, it appears.)
7. Does the new antisemitic Democratic Party prefer to risk losing with the radical nonentity WASP Tim Walz as vice presidential candidate rather than likely win with a popular, successful and moderate Jewish Josh Shapiro?
8. If one vice presidential candidate went to a war zone to serve with his deployed unit, while his counterpart preferred to retire from the military to avoid doing the same and lies about his abdication, how can the media credibly assert that the former’s tour was militarily suspect and yet pronounce the latter’s absence as heroic?
9. If the current president canceled his reelection bid because he was too debilitated and unpopular, and is now rarely seen or heard, and if the vice president is out of Washington running a campaign in his place, but avoiding all press conferences, interviews and unscripted addresses, who exactly, if anyone, is running the United States for the next six months of the lame duck Biden-Harris administration?
10. If Trump all summer has been compared by his enemies to Hitler and his murderous Third Reich, and if a 20-year-old would-be assassin and murderer with ease took up a sniper’s position to kill Trump — without a notified Secret Service or other law enforcement attempting to abort the shooter’s attempted assassination — what signal does that send to other would-be assassins for the next 80 days of the 2024 campaign?
Biden-Harris Regulations Cost the Average Family Almost $50,000

Government regulation may be the single greatest policy barrier to prosperity. The federal executive branch alone issues thousands of new regulations each year that add to the 200,000 pages of federal rules already in place.
With so many components, regulation can be difficult to distill into important trends or even to comprehend its cumulative costs. This report compares the regulatory records of Presidents Biden, Trump, and Obama based on a dataset of more than 5,000 federal agency rules.
The main findings are:
• The Biden-Harris administration is on pace to add $47,000 in net present value regulatory costs per household from rules finalized during its first term. This is almost twice the costs imposed during President Obama’s first term. $47,000 in net present value corresponds to an annual cost of $6,300 for ten years or an annual cost of $3,300 forever.
• Even without counting Operation Warp speed, President Trump’s first term reduced regulatory costs by $11,000 per household.
• The costs of new federal rules are more regressive than any of the major monetary taxes used by federal, state, and local governments. As a share of household income, the costs for the lowest incomequintile are seven times what they are for the top quintile.
• By reducing wages and increasing consumer prices, the rules finalized during the first term of the Biden-Harris administration are expected to reduce the purchasing power of the lowest-quintile households by five percent.
• The single greatest new regulatory cost comes from the “rule designed to ensure that the majority of new passenger cars and light trucks sold in the United States are all-electric or hybrids by 2032” (Davenport 2024). The various Biden-Harris and Obama-Biden emissions rules are expected to increase the price of a new car, SUV or pickup by more than $6,000.
• While the automobile fuel economy and emissions standards are costly, they still account for only a third of the total regulatory costs, and even less for the Biden-Harris administration. Collectively, health, labor, telecommunications, and consumer finance regulations impose costs that exceed those of automobile regulations.
Operation ‘Harris For President’ Is One Of The Shadiest In Media History

Three weeks have passed since Joe Biden was pushed out of the 2024 presidential race over deteriorating physical and mental abilities, and he has yet to publicly clarify with any specificity why he took this unprecedented step — or why, if he’s incapable of campaigning for the presidency, he’s fit to serve out his term in the White House.
Then again, not one journalist in the corporate or legacy media has explained how Biden’s obvious senility could turn from a democracy-corroding MAGA misinformation operation into an accepted reality in a single day.
If they were fooled for three years, how can we trust them? If they weren’t fooled, and they didn’t tell us, how can we trust them?
Well, we can’t. Because they’re back at it.
The Democrats’ new presidential candidate, who has never won a single primary vote, might have been crowned but hasn’t given a real interview or even an extemporaneous political statement since Democrat bigwigs pushed Biden aside.
In a functioning liberal “democracy,” this would be pretty big news.
The last time the vice president of the United States had a press conference was December 2023. The last time she sat down with any media was June 24, when she was interviewed by the sycophants on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” Before that was the “Momala” Harris interview with Drew Barrymore, which might be the most cringeworthy display of fawning in recorded history.
“What is the incentive for her [to take more questions]?” a person close to Kamala Harris’ campaign told Politico recently. “She’s getting out exactly the message she wants to get out.”
Indeed, it’s quite the paradox. The media continue to baby Harris and get her message out to the public, so Harris doesn’t feel the least bit of urgency in clarifying her record.
If they were so inclined, the navel-gazing media could probably get Harris out of her shell by doing some honest deep dives into her history and positions. If her lack of transparency were a daily top-of-the-fold story, she would be compelled to speak.
Kellyanne Conway: ‘Winning formula’ for Trump involves ‘fewer insults’

Former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway offered former President Trump advice in an interview Monday, urging the GOP presidential nominee to throw fewer insults at his political opponents and focus more on policy differences.
“The winning formula for President Trump is very plain to see,” Conway told Fox Business anchor Larry Kudlow. “It’s fewer insults, more insights and that policy contrast.”
Trump has been slinging insults at Vice President Harris as she has risen to the top of the Democratic ticket. Harris is now neck and neck with the former president in polling, with The Hill/Decision Desk HQ’s polling index placing her 1.4 points ahead of Trump, 47.8 percent to 46.4 percent.
“He’s got that hunger, swagger, underdog, underestimated of 2016 back, Larry, and you overlay that with the four-year presidential record where we did have growth — we did have wage growth, we had low unemployment and the whole nine that you and I know,” Conway said in the clip, highlighted by Mediaite.
Social Security marks 89th year as retirement fund risks insolvency under Democrats

5 risks to Social Security as trust fund for retirement benefits face uncertain future
Social Security has just turned 89 years old, but there are questions about its solvency headed into the November presidential election.
The Social Security Act was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on Aug. 14, 1935, as a way of establishing a federal benefits system for older Americans.
Today, Social Security’s trust fund for retirement benefits is projected to be depleted by 2033, leaving lawmakers up against the clock on possible solutions for saving the program.
A Gallup poll released in June revealed that 80% of Americans are “worried” or “extremely worried” about a lack of Social Security benefits being available to them when they need the benefits.
Fox News Digital spoke with a financial planner who shared some of the greatest risks to Social Security in the not-too-distant future should Congress fail to act.
There Are Options for Reforming Social Security, But Action is Needed Now

Generations of Americans have relied on Social Security as a key source of retirement income. But the entitlement program faces serious financial challenges that, if left unaddressed, could leave it unable to pay scheduled benefits in full starting in 2033.
Today’s WatchBlog post looks at our new report—the third and last in a series—about Social Security reform options. These options were introduced in Congress, identified in literature, or suggested by Social Security experts.
Social Security’s financial woes
Social Security’s Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) program is often what most people think of when they think of Social Security. The program has paid out more money than it received (in taxes) since 2010. Trustees that oversee Social Security’s finances say that the program’s reserve funds will be exhausted in less than 10 years if no action is taken. This could mean that retirees receive only about 79% of their scheduled benefits.
The untold story of how Nancy Pelosi forced Biden to quit with a brutal phone call and humiliating ultimatum that ruined 50 years of friendship… and has left Jill and Joe furious

The exact circumstances that led to President Joe Biden’s dramatic withdrawal from the 2024 election race have been the topic of frenzied conversation for weeks.
Ever since Biden tweeted his digitally signed letter announcing the decision on Sunday, June 21, the line from the White House has been clear: The president was not pushed. This was his choice alone.
Sympathetic insiders described a weekend of ‘reflection’ for the president – who had recently tested postive for COVID and was holed up in isolation with his wife Jill and a handful of trusted aides at the Biden family home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.
On the Saturday night, and after weeks of insisting that he would run again, something ‘shifted’, the Biden insiders said. The president asked his closest advisors to begin drafting his letter. Suddenly, it was all over.
That much may be true. But these insiders have continually left out a crucial piece of the puzzle that explains why Biden’s thinking changed so rapidly and which the Mail can now exclusively reveal for the first time.