Drug Pricing Demands Clarity, Not Confusion

Price fixing, “has a 1,700 year history of failure”

The 60 Plus Association President Saul Anuzis  Friday issued the following statement in response to plans to enact price fixing on American prescription drugs:

“The administration’s regulatory approach to prescription drug pricing is wrong on every level. You can call it ‘Most Favored Nation’ pricing or ‘International Price Indexing’ but we call it what it is – price fixing, which has a 1,700 year history of failure. 

Now, we’re seeing a version of regulatory whack-a-mole with rule making maneuvers that introduce an unacceptable level of confusion for seniors who rely on Medicare Part B and Part D for their health care. It is unnecessary, deprives taxpayers the opportunity to weigh-in on the proposal, and completely contradicts the administration’s otherwise good track record on reining in the government’s costly regulatory apparatus. 

Medicare enrollees and their families deserve clarity, not confusion, when it comes to balancing their prescription drug needs and their budgets. This approach is just plain wrong, and seniors deserve better.”