Soviet Style Court Convicts Trump – No One Cares – Will Be Reversed on Appeal

Soviet Style Kangaroo Court Verdict: This was nothing more than a political persecution, designed to interfere with the 2024 election. It was a political show trial that abused and weaponized the criminal justice system. The ruling is obviously going to be overturned on appeal, but for Democrats, this case was never about the merits.

What the Democrats did in New York won’t hurt Donald Trump. It may even help him. But the Democrats willingness to do “anything” to stop Donald Trump has hurt our country and the rule of law. This is a dangerous situation.

The politicization of our legal system, law enforcement, and the federal government is very troubling… and should have EVERY American concerned.

The good news is that there is a legal process to appeal this show trial and hopefully restore some of the sanity and credibility of the courts.

Americans deserve better than a sitting U.S. President weaponizing our justice system against a political opponent – all to win an election.

Ironically, the Democrats didn’t waste a minute of this trial. The judge’s daughter is fundraising off of it. The Biden campaign held a fundraiser outside of the courthouse. And the judge’s daughter is also offering her clients reserved seating in the trial.

The liberals basic message is that if they can jail Donald Trump, remove opponents from the ballot, get rid of the MAGA folks, stack the Supreme Court, ban voter ID, allow illegal immigrants to vote, censor free speech, turn a blind eye to voter fraud, support “mostly peaceful demonstrations” by their supporters, and demonize patriotism, they can save democracy…think about it!?!

Charlie Chaplin: When Chaplin died at the age of 88, he left us four statements:

Nothing is eternal in this world, not even our problems.

I like to walk in the rain because no one can see my tears.

The most wasted day in life is the day we don’t laugh.

The six best doctors in the world…

  1. Sunshine
  2. Rest
  3. Exercise
  4. Diet
  5. Self-esteem
  6. Friends

Keep them in all stages of life and enjoy a healthy life. 

If you see the moon, you will see the beauty of God. If you see the sun, you will see the power of God. If you look in the mirror, you will see God’s best creation. Believe it then. We are all tourists, God is our travel agent who already made out itineraries, bookings, and destinations. 

Read more below and follow me on Twitter & GETTR – @sanuzis  

Saul Anuzis

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In Trump trial there was no real crime but America just lost something it can never get back

There was never any plausible evidence that Trump committed crimes. There was no legal basis for the D.A.’s indictment

Donald Trump did not lose on Thursday. Our once venerated legal system did. And, by extension, all Americans lost something precious. Because the failure of justice is a failure of the people.

The conviction of the former president in a Manhattan courtroom was preordained. With the inexorable verdict, the ideals of a fair trial and an impartial jury faded into a figment of our Founders’ imaginations. They knew that the worst oppression is done by the color of law. They feared it and tried to prevent it. So, they, too, have lost. 

No reversal on appeal can erase the ugly stain. It is indelible. Ethical integrity, equal justice, and the revered rule of law became the fateful casualties of this assault on liberty. There was no real crime to be found. Prosecutors simply invented one —an undefined conspiracy that was factually impossible and unsupported anywhere in the criminal codes. 

The trial itself that stretched for five agonizing weeks seemed a mere formality, a hollow exercise. A bookkeeping entry magically morphed from an expired misdemeanor to an active felony in the way that a porcupine is transmogrified into a prince. 

At trial, the accused was never informed of his alleged felonious conduct. It was an egregious violation of his Sixth Amendment rights. Jurors were then given a creative menu of three possibilities and informed that our cherished constitutional principle of unanimity had gone the way of the dodo. We still don’t know —and may never know— what conspiracy Trump supposedly committed.    

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Trump guilty verdict reveals a Democrat Party that will do almost anything to win

ust as Democrats’ efforts to snooker the public on the state of the economy are failing, their efforts to gaslight them on the merits of the Trump verdict will fail

Smiling prosecutors and giddy media got what they wanted this week as former President Donald Trump was convicted on 34 counts in a patently obvious show trial overseen by an overtly conflicted corrupt judge. 

But as predicted, the verdict is not just lighting a fire but spreading one – not just with the base. Among independents and moderates whose faith in American justice has now evaporated. The Trump campaign website reportedly crashed from heavy traffic as donations flowed in, and social media filled with angry voters expressing shock and disbelief.

For those closely following the trial, the injustices inflicted by the prosecutors and the judge were so transparent, it was easy to believe there must be at least one juror who would see through it.

But with Judge Merchan’s prosecution-friendly jury instructions, the 12 jurors could basically find Trump guilty based on vibes. 

Merchan told them they could make decisions without proof. He advised the jurors that one could infer it had been raining by seeing a wet umbrella, even if they didn’t actually see the rain themselves. In other words, if you think Trump seems like a criminal, you don’t have to have proof.

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Donald Trump gets a SIX-POINT bump in approval after being found guilty on 34 counts according to snap Daily Mail poll: ‘I think it was a waste of taxpayer money’

Teflon Don rides again, according to an exclusive snap poll for which found that the guilty verdict in Manhattan only improved the former president’s standing with likely voters ahead of the 2024 election.

Of those who said the 34 guilty counts had changed their view of Donald Trump, 22 percent said they now had a more favorable rating compared with 16 percent who said they viewed him more negatively.

That six-point net positive result is another sign of the way the businessman-turned-politician seems able to ride out crises that would sink anyone else.

In a tight election, it could be enough to get him across the finish line.

‘I think it was a waste of taxpayer money and will help propel Trump to a victory,’ said a 42-year-old hip hop DJ from Illinois, who voted for Joe Biden in 2020.

In particular, the numbers show a four-point net positive impact among independent voters, the group that could decide who is the next president in November.

At the same time, the Trump campaign said it had enjoyed a fundraising bonanza in the hours after the verdict, bringing in $34.8 million from small dollar donors—nearly double its record daily haul.

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Dems in full-blown ‘freakout’ over Biden

One adviser to major Democratic donors keeps a running list of reasons Biden could lose.

A pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the Democratic Party over President Joe Biden’s reelection prospects, even among officeholders and strategists who had previously expressed confidence about the coming battle with Donald Trump.

All year, Democrats had been on a joyless and exhausting grind through the 2024 election. But now, nearly five months from the election, anxiety has morphed into palpable trepidation, according to more than a dozen party leaders and operatives. And the gap between what Democrats will say on TV or in print, and what they’ll text their friends, has only grown as worries have surged about Biden’s prospects.

“You don’t want to be that guy who is on the record saying we’re doomed, or the campaign’s bad or Biden’s making mistakes. Nobody wants to be that guy,” said a Democratic operative in close touch with the White House and granted anonymity to speak freely.

But Biden’s stubbornly poor polling and the stakes of the election “are creating the freakout,” he said.

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Trump, GOP are early favorites for White House, Congress

Former President Trump and the GOP are the favorites to win the races for the White House and for both chambers of Congress a little more than five months before Election Day, according to a forecast model released Wednesday by Decision Desk HQ and The Hill.

The model gives Trump a 58 percent chance of winning the presidency, and shows him with slight leads in most of the key swing states in the presidential race.

Republicans are a more comfortable favorite in the House and Senate, the model says. The GOP holds an 80 percent chance of winning the Senate majority and a 64 percent chance of holding its House majority.

The model is based on the framework that Decision Desk HQ used for past elections in 2020 and 2022, but with some changes.

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Fear Trump—or Bust?

As Trump continues to show leads in critical swing states, as various lawfare-inspired cases against him seem to the public to be more persecutions than prosecutions, and as Joe Biden appears daily more incoherent and lost, the left on spec has resorted to warning the nation about all the supposedly catastrophic consequences of a future Trump presidency.

Ironically, the left seems oblivious to the reality that one reason Trump leads Biden in the polls is precisely because voters can compare the four-year record of the prior Trump presidency to Biden’s last 40 months.

Recently, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warned that Trump will conspire with oil executives to spike gasoline prices. But even after Biden drained the strategic petroleum reserve before the 2022 midterms and is now again doing the same as the 2024 election approaches, gas prices have averaged only one-third cheaper than under Trump.

Trump tried to top off the reserve but was blocked by Democrats in Congress. Nevertheless, he left Biden a nearly full reservoir of 638 million barrels (about 90 percent full), which Biden has now drained by some 270 million barrels to the present 51 percent full—and the levels are falling further as voting nears.

We are warned that 77-year-old Trump looks haggard after his long hours in court. He seems sleepy, we are told. He has aged terribly, the media tell us. But polls show that concern over Biden’s dementia greatly outweighs normal worry over septuagenarian candidate Trump.

Why would any sane pro-Biden handler bring up Trump’s supposed gait or occasional forgotten word when that only reminds the public of the contrast with Biden, whose speeches seem delivered in something other than English and whose transcripts must be heavily edited to airbrush away his incoherence?

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Yet Another Violation of Trump’s Constitutional Rights in the Bragg Case

No sooner did I write this morning’s post on a violation of Donald Trump’s rights under the Sixth Amendment than we had a second violation of another of Trump’s rights under the Sixth Amendment. Under Sheppard v. Maxwell (1966), the case popularly known for inspiring the TV show and film The Fugitive, the Supreme Court has long held that a defendant’s right to an impartial jury can be violated by extensive publicity about the case that creates a circus atmosphere. Now, courts have had to be practical about this: Lots of cases attract media attention, and criminal defendants can’t be allowed to benefit simply because they have committed a sensational crime. The January 6 case against Trump in D.C. offers a potential contrast. The fact that the January 6 riot and much of Trump’s behavior leading up to it occurred in D.C. doesn’t mean he can’t be tried there. By contrast, there is a more serious argument that it’s hard for Trump to get a fair trial in D.C. after he already faced both a Senate impeachment trial and months of House committee hearings in D.C. over January 6.

The counter-argument would be that these things are removed in time from the trial, which won’t take place earlier than this fall. But this morning, the Biden-Harris campaign sent a delegation headed by famous actor Robert De Niro to stand across the street from the courthouse and rail against how Trump “doesn’t belong in my city,” how “he directs the mob to do his dirty work for him,” how he “wants to destroy not only the city but the country, and eventually he could destroy the world.” De Niro also claimed: “Elections. Forget about it. That’s over. That’s done. If he gets in. I can tell you right now. He will never leave. He will never leave. You know that. He will never leave.” And De Niro didn’t just thunder against Trump, he explicitly said that the jury should convict: “The fact is whether he’s acquitted, whether it’s hung jury, he is guilty — and we all know it. I’ve never seen a guy get out of so many things, and we all know this. Everybody in the world knows this.”

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Chuck Schumer Admits Democrats’ ‘Ultimate Goal,’ And It’s Not Good

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) revealed the Democrat Party’s plans to open the door for every illegal immigrant entering the United States to receive citizenship.

On Friday, while addressing reporters, Schumer said that “our ultimate goal” is to grant U.S. citizenship to every illegal alien in the country.

Many speculate the reason Democrats don’t want President Joe Biden to secure the border is because they need their votes for the 81-year-old geriatric president to win another four years in office.

Secretary of State Michael Watson (R-Miss.) insisted that leaving the border wide open is all about “control” and “power” that is used to get illegal immigrants registered to vote and cast their ballot for Biden.

In addition, the New York Post reported that illegal aliens are storming the southern border as quickly as possible before the November election— anticipating a Trump win.

“If it’s Trump, it doesn’t matter how much I work or want to work. They won’t let me in,” one illegal immigrant told The Free Press.

Former President Donald Trump declared that his administration plans to deport nearly 20 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S. using local law enforcement, the National Guard, and the military should he win the election.

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DeSantis, GOP governors to ‘resist’ delegating health authority to WHO amid Geneva meeting

Gov. Ron DeSantis is among 24 Republican governors opposing President Joe Biden’s potential to sign the World Health Organization’s “Pandemic Agreement,” saying it would give the organization “unprecedented and unconstitutional powers” over the U.S.

The World Health Assembly takes place May 27-June 1 in Geneva, Switzerland, where the American president is worried to be intending on supporting and signing the agreement, per a late-2023 announcement by the U.S.

The agreement would reportedly “drive a more equitable global response” to pandemics and “enhance cooperation” between members states.

The letter, sent directly to Biden by the GOP governors, said the agreement, a “treaty” without two-thirds approval from the U.S. Senate, would “undermine national sovereignty, infringe upon states’ rights, and jeopardize constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.”

“The objective of these instruments is to empower the WHO, particularly its uncontrollable Director-General, with the authority to restrict the rights of U.S. citizens, including freedoms such as speech, privacy, travel, choice of medical care, and informed consent, thus violating our Constitution’s core principles,” the governors said. “These agreements would seek to elevate the WHO from an advisory body to a global authority in public health.”

They pointed to a proposed element of the agreement that gives the WHO’s director-general “unilateral power” to declare a “public health emergency of international concern” within nations who join onto the agreement.

This, the governors said, delegates health policy direction from the U.S. as a sovereign state to the global body, “potentially including mandates regarding medical treatments.”

“Additional concerns arise regarding the establishment of a global surveillance infrastructure and requirements for member states to censor speech related to public health, potentially facilitating the proliferation of biological weapons,” they said.

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Justice Alito recusal calls are a ‘coordinated’ left-wing campaign: ‘Like clockwork’

Calls from Democratic lawmakers and left-wing groups for Justice Samuel Alito to recuse himself from key cases over ethics violations are a “coordinated effort” to delegitimize the Supreme Court, according to experts who say the attacks on conservative justices are becoming more consistent with each passing year.

The “An Appeal to Heaven” flag, one of the foremost flags used by Patriot forces including, George Washington, during the Revolutionary War, was flown at Alito’s vacation house last year, according to a New York Times report published this week, drawing outrage from Democrats who claim it was also a key symbol during the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol. It marked the second time in two weeks that the justice’s flag poles became a topic of controversy, and the report prompted calls from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) for Alito to recuse himself from cases involving former President Donald Trump and the 2020 election, all because a handful of protesters carried the Revolutionary War-era flag on Jan. 6, 2021.

Congressional Democrats and activist groups are turning up the pressure on Alito in the wake of the flag controversy. Despite pushback from legal experts and voices on the Right, Democrats and left-wing groups have sought throughout Biden’s presidency to raise questions about key Republican-appointed justices on the Supreme Court and have done so by relying on the strategy of attacking their ethics.

“The Left has been constantly attacking the court since at least March 2020 when Sen. [Chuck] Schumer [D-NY] stood in front of the court during an oral argument on an abortion case and directly threatened Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh on their vote,” Mark Paoletta, ex-general counsel for Trump’s Office of Management and Budget and a close friend of Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, Ginni Thomas, said.

Paoletta specifically recalled that the last three years have shown a pattern of leaks or reports that elevate Supreme Court scrutiny “in the springtime, as the court nears the end of the term and big decisions will be handed down.”

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US Special Forces Operator Kills Undocumented Chechen Outside Home In Possible Spy Incident

Two Chechens with no personal identification – and who were in no US national databases, otherwise illegal aliens that likely invaded the nation through the southern border, were ‘taking photos’ – or possibly surveilling – outside the home of an elite US Army special forces colonel near Fort Liberty, formerly Fort Bragg, in North Carolina.

Fox News reports the colonel confronted the men, one of which was using a “telephoto lens” and taking “photos of his children” outside his home on the evening of May 3, and that’s the moment when an altercation broke out, with the special forces operator shooting and killing one of the Chechens.

The FBI told Fox News, “Our law enforcement partners at the Moore County Sheriff’s Office contacted the FBI after a shooting death in Carthage. A special agent met with investigators and provided a linguist to assist with a language barrier for interviews.”

Local Sheriff Ronnie Fields said, “The caller indicated that an individual was observed taking photographs on the property and had become aggressive towards a resident outside their home…. The deceased was found approximately 250 yards from the roadway, along a powerline on the residential property.”

Over the years, special operations soldiers have seen an increase in “strange interactions” and “suspicious surveillance of them and their families,” according to Fox News. Some say this is part of foreign spy programs.

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Joshua trees growing for over 100 years will be cleared for solar farm in California

Century-old Joshua trees in the California desert will be cleared to make way for clean energy.

The 2,300-acre solar project is going up near near Boron, in Southern California, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The area of Kern County from which the project is slated has a poverty rate twice that of the state’s average. The solar farm will generate intermittent power for 180,000 homes in wealthier coastal neighborhoods.

Besides the destruction of old trees, the residents living near the project say county and state officials who approved the project have ignored their other concerns about construction dust and impacts to endangered desert tortoises have been ignored by county and state officials who approved the project.

According to the Times, the controversy highlights “tradeoffs” between reducing carbon dioxide emission in electricity generation and the land-intensive environmental impacts of the wind and solar industry.

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