60 Plus Association Statement on Initial List of Medicines Released Under Government Price-Setting

WASHINGTON, D.C. (August 29, 2023) – The 60 Plus Association – The American Association of Senior Citizens released the following statement regarding the announcement of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services releasing the first list of medicines that will be subject to Medicare price setting:

“The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services releasing the first list of medicines in Medicare to be subject to government price setting has been pitched as a magic wand that CMS can wave to make drugs less expensive. But it promises painful disruptions.

This announcement ostensibly allows Medicare to ‘negotiate’ with drug companies about the prices of prescription drugs. But in the real world, the federal government doesn’t negotiate with private businesses. It tells them what to do.

The fact is that many of the medicines in this list already have substantial discounts and rebates covered under Medicare Part D.

These drug pricing reforms take yet another shot at the scam some lawmakers are calling Medicare ‘negotiation.’ But these proposed changes will only jeopardize seniors’ healthcare coverage through Medicare at a time when they cannot bear the burden of increased cost or disrupted access.”
