March 2010 Update

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60 Plus Koop Video Hits a Nerve

Many thanks are in order again to Dr. C. Everett Koop for lending his ample credibility and authority to a 60 Plus ad that has caused a storm on the internet.

After watching the video of our former Surgeon General state the fact quite plainly that cutting $500 billion (a low estimate) from Medicare will lead to rationing, thus worse care for our seniors, the liberal bottled-water carriers for President Obama gnashed their teeth loudly enough to be heard through their computer monitors.

Thousands of web hits stirred thousands more responses, many positive and many furious that Dr. Koop dare tell the truth. This proves once again that when you tell the truth and stand-up to big government plans to socialize medicine, you WILL make some people very unhappy.

But this raises the question about many of the liberals hurtling insults at 60 Plus and Dr. Koop: were these people EVER happy?

America Yawns, Watches Obama Healthcare Summit Plummet

The media hailed it as the new “Paris Peace Talks,” salivating at the promotional possibilities and points to be scored by President Obama’s “Healthcare Summit” February 25th.

The result? A snoozer that bored the American people with confusing, convoluted policy-talk that offered no proof that this healthcare legislation would provide the least bit of benefit to them and their families.

Maybe a “Summit” wouldn’t be necessary if President Obama had just kept the original promise of Candidate Obama, who vowed that as President he would hold open and transparent healthcare talks on national TV, include all interested parties for a discussion to be shared with the American people.

No wonder few trust this healthcare bill; it is coming from a President and Congressional leaders who have proven themselves so untrustworthy. Just look at the track record:

  • Promise to hold open discussion on healthcare at big table, on national TV for all to see: BROKEN.
  • Promise to strengthen Medicare and not make cuts in funding: BROKEN.
  • Promise to NOT raise taxes on Americans making less than $250,000 per year to fund his healthcare proposal: BROKEN.

Who could possibly believe that given all the broken promises, these same leaders won’t deliver to us a broken healthcare system?

Obamacare in U.K. – ‘Unimaginable Suffering’

Years ago when politicians in the United Kingdom proposed universal healthcare, none of them took to the floor of Parliament and spoke of how dysfunctional, broken and inhumane their system of medicine may become.

No, they spoke in glowing terms of lower costs, better care, and fairness. Universal healthcare was the way to go, and THEY – the British politicians – were smart enough to fix the system so there would be quality care for ALL.

Sound familiar? Of course – it is EXACTLY the same rhetoric we hear every day from Obama and the liberals in Congress who say their nationalized healthcare legislation is the big pill that America needs to swallow to get well.

But our possible future under Obamacare is today’s reality in Britain, and it is not pretty.

Concerned with “cost-cutting” (rationing) healthcare managers “stopped providing safe care…” which resulted in “unimaginable suffering” for many seniors and other sick patients at British hospitals.

Thankfully the problems are being addressed after being brought to light by victims’ rights groups, but there is only so much that can be done given the universal healthcare system employed there by government.

The English are admirable people in many respects and they offer many things which we Americans can’t help but want to emulate. As this and many other similar stories underscores, running a healthcare system is not one of them.

Latest Poll Numbers – Americans scared of their government!

President Obama and Congressional liberals are quick to tell us how scared Americans are of a life without universal healthcare. Seems like the people are scared, but it’s not our current healthcare system that has them hiding under the blankets at night!

According to the latest Rasmussen Reports, 51% of Americans now fear government more than private health insurers. To those who recently joined the 51% the question must be asked: what took you so long?

After all, private health insurers are private – you only deal with them by choice. Further, unlike the government, they have NO power to make you do anything at all.

Compare this to our government and current proposals by President Obama to COMPEL people to purchase health insurance, as well as what type of insurance, under penalty of law.

Obama’s approach to healthcare has done nothing to boost public trust in their government, with many now saying they think the biggest threat to their rights is the government itself.

While liberals attack 60 Plus and other conservative groups for engaging in “scare tactics” it’s clear who is really scaring seniors and the rest of the American public — and why folks think their rights are just one pen stroke from the President of being wiped away.

60 Plus in the News

60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin has been much in demand by the media as the conservative voice for seniors, traveling the nation and making appearances from coast to coast to keep the purveyors of Obamacare on the defensive.

Meanwhile 60 Plus has stepped up its advertising offensive against wishy-washy members of Congress who are realizing that a vote for nationalized healthcare that cuts $500 billion from Medicare is akin to a one way ticket out of Washington this November.

60 Plus is spending another $500,000 in 18 targeted Congressional districts informing voters of the risk they and their doctors face if this Frankenstein monster of a healthcare measure passes.

See coverage of Jim’s advocacy for reasonable healthcare reform and coverage of the difference 60 Plus is making with its effort to educate the public — as well as some of the ads that 60 Plus is running in targeted states in the links below.

60 Plus Appearances

60 Plus’ Recent Ads

Dr. Koop


Stories on 60 Plus Ads

Help 60 Plus Protect Seniors and Defend Freedom – YOU Can Make a Difference!

President Obama and the liberal Democrats who are pushing nationalized healthcare and huge cuts in Medicare are losing ground — by the week, by the day, sometimes by the hour.

Their poll numbers are plummeting, and support for their healthcare plans are at an all-time low, DESPITE fawning treatment from the national media.

A Republican Senator from Massachusetts taking the place of Ted Kennedy – did you ever think such a thing possible?

Of course these results are no accident. The public change in sentiment toward Obamacare came directly on the heels of advertising campaigns to inform the American people of the TRUTH about the liberal healthcare agenda.

60 Plus has been in the lead on taking these messages directly to the American people, having run more than $10 million dollars in ads so far in targeted districts and states telling voters what YOUR Congressmen and Senators are up to.

The result? A healthcare bill that was supposed to have been passed in the Summer of ’09 is still languishing, held back by nervous Democrats staring at poll numbers of very angry Americans.

60 Plus is proud of our role in STOPPING Obamacare, BUT, the other side has not given up.

With the loss of their 60 seat filibuster-proof majority in the U.S. Senate, liberals are promising to press on and pass their national healthcare agenda by employing parliamentary tactics never before seen in Congress.

Now is no time to take victory for granted. Please donate to 60 Plus today, so that we may continue to fund our ad campaign, and hold the liberals’ feet to the fire.

There are over 30 vulnerable members of Congress who supported Obamacare, and these members know a vote for Obamacare will send them home for good, but ONLY if word gets out about their vote against seniors.

A generous donation to 60 Plus today will help keep funding for our ad campaign in place, to remind these politicians that if they mess with Medicare and push through Obamacare, WE THE PEOPLE will vote them out of office!

So please give generously today. 60 Plus needs some eye-popping donations in the $5,000, $2,500 and $1,000 range as well as $500, $250, $100 even $50 or $25 to help make a difference – for seniors NOW and future generations of Americans!

Renewable energy: good or bad for seniors?

What’s wrong with renewable energy? Well, on the surface, nothing. Any comprehensive energy policy needs to include renewable energy to ensure energy independence for our nation over the long term.

But, the key to increased reliance upon renewable energy is its gradual implementation, over the long term. America’s energy providers have invested billions into our current energy providing infrastructure – all paid for by you through your monthly utility bills. Further investments need to be made to effectively and reliably produce and utilize renewable energy resources.

The cost of those needed investments: hundreds of billions of dollars. Renewable resources are much more expensive than our current energy-producing assets, and in these uncertain economic times, an aggressive renewable energy standard (RES) will result in a sharp increase in utility bills when people can least afford them. Worse, energy costs are regressive, meaning, the less one earns the higher percentage of his or her income is spent – which generally describes seniors, most living on fixed incomes.

Daryl Bassett, Director of Empower Consumers, said it best in his April 23, 2009 testimony before the House Committee on Energy & Commerce:

“Older Americans are disproportionately affected by higher energy costs. As a share of income, households headed by a person age 65 or older spend more on energy bills than younger households. As CRS recently reported, ‘Older households account for approximately 20% of our nation’s total consumption on energy-related products. Although in actual dollar terms older households spend slightly less on energy-related consumption than households headed by a person under age 65, they spend a higher share of their income on energy-related expenditures.’ …In this sense, a federal RES behaves like a regressive income tax.”

Last June, the U.S. House of Representatives barely passed a federal RES that would require a mandated percentage of energy to be produced from renewable resources. Again, a laudable goal, but one that will have a serious negative impact for many of our retired citizens, especially since this legislation did not include adequate cost-containment measures to ensure consumers don’t get hit with massive increases in their energy costs.

In the coming weeks, the U.S. Senate will begin considering federal RES legislation. Now is the time to make your voice heard on this important issue. Please contact your Senators and let them know you oppose federal Renewable Energy Standards because the cost is just too high for seniors.

Join an Online Tax Revolt!

The first-ever Online Tax Revolt, a free, interactive march on Washington was launched today. Using state of the art technology, concerned Americans can have a voice on tax policy, culminating on April 15 with events in Washington, D.C.

“The Online Tax Revolt is open to every American who believes taxes and spending are out of control, harmful to our country and a threat to our nation’s future,” said Campaign Chairman Ken Hoagland. “Our economic future and that of future generations is at stake. We need taxes that are lower and a tax structure that’s fair.

“We’re in serious trouble and it falls to us to get the nation back on track. This march is a wake-up call to everyone in Washington that the American people won’t be ignored any longer,” said Mr. Hoagland.

Marchers simply log on to, choose an appropriate avatar and have it march to the nation’s capital. Participants can march individually or in teams. Other team leaders will be announced in coming weeks.

One team will be led by Michael Reagan. Another team will be led by nationally syndicated radio host Neal Boortz. There will also be state-based teams and veterans’ teams. Other prominent team leaders will be announced in the coming weeks.

60 Plus is also on board with Chairman Jim Martin and National Spokesman Pat Boone leading the charge for lower taxes and smaller government, while exposing the AARP for what it is – the Association Against Retired Persons!

Though sponsored by Americans for Fair Taxation, the Online Tax Revolt is neutral on tax policy. It is open to all who are fed up and want real tax reform.

A special message from Pat Boone

I wanted to take a brief moment to tell you about a great offer to get three health reports that will help you live a more healthy life – absolutely free. Medical Doctors Research (MDR) is providing this service at no charge to thank you for all your help and support of 60 Plus during the critical battles we’ve been fighting recently. I’ve been an MDR customer for over 20 years and highly recommend them. Click here to learn more.

– Pat Boone, National Spokesman, 60 Plus Association