May 2010 Update

Monthly Email Update

New Numbers: ObamaCare Cracks the $1Trillion Mark

This month the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released information that should come as a surprise to absolutely no one, including, most of all the Obama Administration.

According to the CBO, the ObamaCare health “reform” package that we were told was necessary to bring fiscal stability to Washington is actually going to cost $115 BILLION MORE over the next 10 years than previously “guess-timated.”

That puts the price tag of ObamaCare officially OVER the $1Trillion mark, making it by far the biggest entitlement program ever enacted in the United States, and throwing yet another broken promise — that healthcare reform would cost less than $1Trillion — on the already significant pile that will soon earn the moniker, “Mount Obama.”

This charade of leaving out discretionary expenses from the bill to keep the cost below $1 trillion was from the start a psychological ploy, not unlike a department store marking an item at “$9.99.”

Historically Congress has been off on cost estimates of new programs by a factor of 5 or even 10 times, so misfiguring the exceptionally pricey ObamaCare by a mere 12% seems like a bargain.

But given that this “reform” was financed in large part by over $500 billion in cuts to Medicare, higher costs for ObamaCare will only squeeze Medicare further and put pressure on legislators and administrators to tighten its belt even more.

All the more reason to circle November 2nd (Election Day) on your calendars.

Break Glass for Emergency Bogeyman: Media Cries “Racist” to Tea Partiers

The mainstream liberal media in this country were notorious during the Bush Administration for shaking their keyboards in anger the minute anyone suggested we unify behind the Administration’s position for the purpose of national security.

Regardless of one’s position at the time, the media was extremely consistent in amplifying the position of Bush detractors, and rallying around the mantra “dissent is patriotic.”

But apparently free speech is a luxury allowed only to the few; the proud; the extremely liberal. Exhibit A: the same media’s terse and false characterizations of Tea Party protestors — dissenting to the current liberal debacle in the Washington — as “racist.”

Angry at trillions in new debt and taxes, government healthcare, takeover of private industry, and on and on, regular American taxpayers and patriots have peaceably organized to be heard, to protest the direction of our nation.

Yet far from receiving the favorable treatment of Bush opponents, the media has covered the Democrats’ left flank by portraying Tea Partiers as controversial, violent, and even “racist,” most notably on MSNBC, where hosts Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow explain the Tea Party movement as a hateful reaction to the President’s skin color.

Predictable, yet still despicable, nothing proves a political viewpoint’s emptiness more than a charge of racism. With absolutely no facts backing them up, and without a sincere interest in reporting the REAL concerns of the Tea Party members, the liberal media has dutifully done their best to discredit and smear speech they disagree with.

60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin has spoken at many Tea Party protests, and was present in Arizona when the media, quoting Democrats, as using the “race card” to smear the conservative activists. Said Martin:

The ugly race card issue has been raised by the usual suspects; the mainstream media and vulnerable Democrats in Congress, specifically the white boy from Tennessee (Congressman Steve Cohen) who has shamelessly pandered to the African Americans in his congressional district by charging the Tea Party folks with being ‘racist.’

Republican I am, Racist I’m not. And I resent with all my strength the accusation. The ugly race card gets played by our intolerant friends on the left time and time again when they have no argument of substance to counter with.

Here they go again, dredging up the Voting Rights Act from the 60s following President John F. Kennedy’s tragic assassination. As a newspaper reporter from that era I remind these revisionists that Lyndon B. Johnson called on Republican Leader, Senator Everett Dirksen of Illinois, to help round up GOP votes.

Why? Because LBJ’s Democrat Senators from the South refused to vote for the bill. A Senate building is named after one of them. Others included Democrats from Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, South Carolina….do I make my point? Oh and I left out the senior Democrat still serving from West Virginia, who wore a KKK hood before election and just recently used the “N” word on TV. Of course he’s a Democrat, so he gets a free pass and the Washington liberals look the other way. Pitiful.

ObamaCare Horrors Hit the Shores Faster than an Oil Slick

As faithful readers of 60 Plus news releases and updates, you’ve heard us beat the drum against ObamaCare as an imitation of the British health care system which has only led to collapse and ruin of quality care in that country since its adoption years ago.

Sadly, well ahead of schedule, economic and healthcare experts are confirming the worst and bracing us for what we are about to receive here on our shores if ObamaCare is not reversed or reformed. To summarize:

  • Bernie Madoff style accounting (see top story)
  • Americans and corporations paying higher prices for everything (as businesses absorb the costs of this legislation, costs are passed on to you, the consumer)
  • States having to shoulder the costs for many of the legislation’s programs (some18-20 states so far are suing the Obama Administration to ban ObamaCare within their borders)
  • And of course, a gutting of quality care and services for seniors.

Said 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin:

You’ve got a report coming out from the New England Journal of Medicine that nearly 45 percent of doctors may start refusing to take Medicare patients. With fewer doctors and fewer funds, that means more people in line, and that means if you have to have some kind of emergency operation or test done, you’re not going to get it. If that isn’t rationing, I don’t know what is. And THAT is why seniors are so upset.

You can read the full article here.

Save the Date

60 Plus will host a tribute dinner on July 15 for our Chairman, Jim Martin — honoring his 50 years of political activism. Click here for more info.