Gruber Testimony Gets Thumbs Down from Former Debate Opponent Jim Martin

Jim Martin: “Gruber set all-time speed records in backtracking during his House testimony. Bernie Madoff has nothing on Obama and Gruber when it comes to swindling America.”

(Alexandria, Virginia) — 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin, who debated Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber on a national cable news program just weeks before the November elections, joined the chorus of those panning Gruber’s appearance and testimony before Chairman Darrell Issa’s House Oversight and Government Reform Committee yesterday.

Martin debated Gruber in September, just weeks before videos came to light of Gruber calling the American voters “stupid” and saying the law needed a “lack of transparency ” in order to pass.  The debate occurred on NewsmaxTV’s Midpoint program.

Said Martin on Gruber’s committee appearance: “Jonathan Gruber set all-time records for backtracking during his testimony, showing that when the light of day is shined on Obamacare and those who created it, the uglier it looks.  Not only did Gruber backtrack on being its architect, Gruber backtracked on claims that law would save money, or that the President was telling the truth about how it would impact Americans’ healthcare.

“Most appalling, Gruber admitted he and Obama knew — and lied about — people losing their healthcare plans under Obamacare. Move over, Bernie Madoff, America has a new champion when it comes to swindling the public and outright robbing them. The Obama-Gruber ticket defrauded tens of millions of Americans of their healthcare coverage and the doctor they know and trust, and sold this entire law on one giant law after another. Gruber’s testimony is the clearest evidence yet this law must be immediately repealed and replaced!”

The Martin-Gruber debate can be viewed on the 60 Plus YouTube channel at this link:
