AARP & Obama: Bonnie and Clyde to America’s Seniors

60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin, “$2.8 BILLION stolen from America’s seniors — Obama stands lookout while AARP robs seniors blind”.

(Columbus, Ohio) – “A report issued this week by the office of Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) confirms through overwhelming evidence the reality that the AARP is not a disinterested, pro-seniors advocacy group as they claim, but a liberal lobbying behemoth, who are making billions of dollars at the expense of America’s seniors,” said 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin, traveling on the group’s bus tour throughout Ohio. The tour has visited a dozen states thus far.

“Included in the report were facts concerning AARP purposefully hiding their lobbying activities against Medigap reform, promoting positions that will add over $1.8 billion to their insurance business while costing the average senior $415 per year in higher insurance premiums.  Coupled with the $1 billion they stand to gain from Obamacare over the next decade, AARP is facing increasing scrutiny for selling out seniors to increase their bottom line.

“Just like the President, the AARP has shown they are for redistribution.  In this case, it is taking billions of dollars from America’s seniors, and redistributing it to themselves,” Martin emphasized. “Emails unearthed by Chairman Fred Upton’s (R-MI) Energy and Commerce Committee in June detail AARP’s close work with White House and DCCC operatives to push Obamacare while deceiving the public by attempting to appear, in their own words, ‘neutral.’

“There is no other way to cut it, the AARP along with the Obama White House perpetrated the biggest heist in U.S. history, stealing billions from seniors that will go directly into their pockets.  AARP stands to directly benefit to the tune of $2.8 billion for their efforts to stop Medigap reform and pass Obamacare.  When it comes to betraying seniors, crime pays.

“Most disturbing is that AARP uses their position as a trusted name to put one arm around seniors, while using the other to pick their pockets.  Isn’t this what Bernie Madoff went to prison for?  They are truly a shameful organization, and the more we learn about their greedy and dishonest activities, the more seniors are — thankfully — turning away from the AARP,” Martin concluded.

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