Comstock Bill Moves to Protect Seniors from Another HIT to Their Pocketbook

Seniors Leader Praises Action to Provide Relief for Medicare Families

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (January 31, 2018) – 60 Plus Association Chairman and Founder Jim Martin Tuesday issued the following statement in regard to H.R. 4831, the Healthcare Tax Relief Act:

“Representative Barbara Comstock has heard the message of seniors from across the country and we applaud her for authoring the Healthcare Tax Relief Act. Rep. Comstock understands what the 60 Plus Association and its millions of members have been saying for many months; that it is time to stop punishing seniors with the Health Insurance Tax.

“The HIT costs couples enrolled in Medicare Advantage an average of $500 a year, and millions more are also adversely affected by this tax. That’s why it’s so important that we continue fighting for rebate checks for HIT premiums paid in 2018. That’s why we’re asking our supporters to continue contacting their elected representatives to do the right thing and support H.R. 4831.

“We’re proud to have brought this issue to the attention of tens of millions of Americans through our advertising campaign and we won’t stop until every senior is made safe from this tax and made whole with a rebate for having paid this onerous tax.”
