$17 Million and Counting: Amazing…proof of payments, deposits, IRS Auditors all provide testimony that the Biden’s received MILLIONS…tax free…representing the interests of foreign governments.
Violations of tax law, FARA, prostitution and more…
This is unacceptable and needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Try That In A Small Town: Wow, a great video that has the left going bonkers!
Jason Aldean’s music video “Try That In A Small Town” highlighting footage of left-wing rioters burning and looting is an online hit. Everyone should definitely watch it and share it.
Truth to Power! Love it.
Read more below and follow me on Twitter & GETTR – @sanuzis
–Saul Anuzis
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60 Plus Weekly Video Rewind
This Week: CMT cancels Jason Aldean for telling the truth in his new music video, Democrat Rep says Hunter Biden is a victim of the justice system, and it’s Iowa vs New Hampshire in the 2024 DNC primary schedule!
Links to the articles discussed in the video:

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Biden family, Hunter associates raked in over $17M from foreign sources, IRS whistleblower testifies

Chairman Comer says payments show ‘influence-peddling scheme to enrich the Bidens’
An IRS whistleblower who came forward to testify before Congress on Wednesday confirmed claims by House Republicans that Hunter Biden and his companies raked in over $17 million from foreign sources over several years, beginning while his father was vice president.
The House Oversight Committee interviewed two IRS whistleblowers alleging political misconduct throughout the Hunter Biden investigation: special agent Joseph Ziegler, whose identity was revealed during the hearing, and his IRS supervisor Gary Shapley, who previously blew the whistle on alleged political influence surrounding prosecutorial decisions throughout the years-long federal probe into the president’s son.
Ziegler told Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., that Hunter Biden, his family members and business associates received over $17 million due to business dealings in China, Ukraine and Romania.
Those deals included multimillion-dollar payments to Biden family-linked companies from 2014 to 2019, including $7.3 million from Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings.
“This brings the total amount of foreign income streams received to approximately $17 million, correct?” Comer asked Ziegler.
“That is correct,” Ziegler responded.
6 Ridiculous Narratives Democrats Tried In Response To IRS Whistleblowers’ Damning Biden Testimony

IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler’s testimony Wednesday before the House Oversight Committee about the political interference in the Biden investigation proved so unimpeachable that Democrats resorted to a shotgun attack on everything except the facts. Here are the top six themes the left hammered during the hearing…
…The evidence of misconduct by the Bidens exists in the form of texts, emails, chat messages, bank records, suspicious activity reports, the FD-1023 report, and statements made by former business partners such as Tony Bobulinski. The public record is also replete with evidence of DOJ and FBI favoritism, including the extensive testimony of these two whistleblowers, parts of which a third whistleblower has already corroborated.
The Democrats may not like the evidence or want to talk about it, but to say none exists is about as believable as the Secret Service’s claim that they cannot determine whose cocaine was recovered in the White House.
Biden loses voters to third-party campaigns but swing states could save him

Democrats are signaling concerns about the chances of a third-party candidate jumping into the 2024 White House race, funneling votes from President Joe Biden and sending former President Donald Trump back to the executive mansion.
While swing states are always a top priority for presidential hopefuls, a recent analysis of battleground states’ voting trends points to a second reason Biden is relying on them this cycle. Voters are less likely to vote for a third-party candidate in recent elections than those in other states, according to an analysis from Politico. Third-party candidates have consistently underperformed in swing states, making those voters a prime 2024 target for the Biden campaign.
None of the top 20 states where third-party candidates have performed best over the past two presidential elections is considered a swing state. Among those states, Minnesota, Maine, and Iowa had single-digit margins for the winning candidate in 2020.
Bidenomics is an insult to millions of voters living paycheck to paycheck

Bidenomics is gaining no voter traction. To understand why, step back from all the technical economic indicators and look at economic life for key voters — the majority is falling farther and farther behind, faster and faster than ever.
On June 28, President Biden stood in front of Bidenomics banners to tout his achievements for the U.S. middle class. And, as he has done with any glimmer of good economic data, he followed that up on July 7 with what was effectively a self fist bump, touting new jobs numbers.
Still, two out of three voters disapprove of his economic performance, and no wonder — roughly two-thirds of American households are living paycheck to paycheck and/or skipping purchases they can no longer afford.
Is employment as good as the president claims? Yes, if you ask the Federal Reserve. No, if you look at the majority of Gen Xers who are still underemployed or can’t find jobs that make ends meet. More than one-third of Americans are out of the workforce, with this problem particularly acute for women in general and minority women in particular. Will Black voters turn out for Biden or stay home as they did in 2016, when Hillary Clinton told them the economy was in a good place, but Black Americans didn’t find themselves anywhere close to it?
Liberal wailing over Jason Aldean is about riot apologia, not ‘lynching’

The liberal outcry over Jason Aldean’s song “Try That In A Small Town” is unhinged, but it shows that rabid defense of rioters will be brought out by liberal legacy media outlets and activists the next time riots start up again.
The song was released in May to little backlash, but the release of the music video on Friday sparked liberal outage across the media. That resulted in CMT, which airs country music videos, pulling the video of the song as Aldean was accused of being “pro-lynching.”
The video itself features Aldean singing over video of the riots he is describing, including rioters throwing Molotov cocktails, assaulting police officers, and looting businesses, as well as videos of criminals committing carjackings and robberies. The end of the song then features several patriotic images and videos of people in small-town communities playing sports.
The song has two messages, the first of which urges rioters to “try that in a small town” because “around here, we take care of our own.” This is in contrast to Democratic-run cities that allowed rioters to brutally assault people and destroy businesses in the communities that police are supposed to protect. In a “small town,” people are willing and able to defend themselves from violent rioters, and police are allowed to deal with rioters as opposed to big city police officers who are told to stand down and let buildings be torched in cities such as Minneapolis. The video shows both a man defending himself from a robber and several shots of police officers.
Cornel West says Biden committed ‘crime against humanity’ against black Americans

Likely Green Party presidential candidate Cornel West ripped President Biden’s record on race issues, calling the Democrat’s history with black Americans nothing short of a “crime against humanity,” in an exclusive interview with The Post.
West, 70, accused Biden of spurring mass incarceration among minorities because of the tough-on-crime federal Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act Biden sponsored as a senator in 1994. The bill authorized the hiring of 100,000 new police officers and allocated $9.7 billion for prisons.
“Well, I think you’ll think Joe Biden contributed to a crime against humanity when he became the architect of the mass incarceration regime in the 1990s,” said West, 70, referring to the tough-on-crime Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act Biden sponsored as a senator in 1994. The bill authorized the hiring of 100,000 new police officers and allocated $9.7 billion for prisons.
“I’ve taught in prison for 41 years. And the the level of barbarity in our prisons has something to do with that crime bill that he put forward,” said West, now a professor at Union Theological Seminary, an affiliate of Columbia University.
“Black folks are low priority” to Biden, West continued, adding the president was much better at window dressing — “black faces in high places” — than substantive change. West gave Biden’s performance on race a dismal grade of “C-.”
Don’t crash U.S. auto market by forcing us to buy EVs

About 20 years ago, the belief that commercially significant quantities of fuel blends containing organic materials would soon be available led to the passage of alternative fuel requirements. Yet, because science failed to deliver on its promise, America ended up becoming more dependent on ethanol.
That growing dependence affects the price of fuel and feedstocks adversely, making each trip to the grocery store more costly than the last. The bureaucrats responsible for the idea, flush with taxpayer dollars as the result of congressional green-energy largess, made a bad bet.
It’s going to happen again. Just look at the billions Ford Motor Co. just announced that its shift to an all-electric fleet has cost it. Bad news for corporate management, bad news for stockholders and bad news for The Ford Foundation, which ironically enough has been using its holdings to promote the global green energy transition.
There’s nothing inherently wrong about wanting to use clean, renewable energy to power the economy. In the abstract, it’s a grand idea that, when fully implemented, should lead to a global reduction in prices that would be a boon to consumers. The problem isn’t “green energy.” It’s that the government bureaucrats who make policies we all have to follow are operating off a timetable that’s divorced from technological realities.
I, Pencil

Eloquent. Extraordinary. Timeless. Paradigm-shifting. Classic. Six decades after it first appeared, Leonard Read’s “I, Pencil” evokes such adjectives of praise. Rightfully so, for this little essay opens eyes and minds among people of all ages. Many first-time readers never see the world quite the same again.
Ideas are most powerful when they’re wrapped in a compelling story. Leonard’s main point—economies can hardly be “planned” when not one soul possesses all the know-how and skills to produce a simple pencil—unfolds in the enchanting words of a pencil itself. Leonard could have written “I, Car” or “I, Airplane,” but choosing those more complex items would have muted the message. No one person—repeat, no one, no matter how smart or how many degrees follow his name—could create from scratch a small, everyday pencil, let alone a car or an airplane.
This is a message that humbles the high and mighty. It pricks the inflated egos of those who think they know how to mind everybody else’s business. It explains in plain language why central planning is an exercise in arrogance and futility, or what Nobel laureate and Austrian economist F. A. Hayek aptly termed “the pretence of knowledge.”
The New Spy Wars – How China and Russia Use Intelligence Agencies to Undermine America

The Cold War never ended. That, at least, is Russian President Vladimir Putin’s view. The clearest indication that the Kremlin continued its titanic struggle against the West even after the Soviet Union collapsed can be seen in the activities of Russia’s security and intelligence services. In their operations and in the vast power they wield in Russian society, they have picked up where Soviet intelligence left off. Since 1991, these agencies have been driven by a revanchist strategy to make Russia great again and to overturn the post–Cold War U.S.-led international order. Putin’s war in Ukraine is the bloody conclusion of that strategy.
China is also seeking to reverse the outcome of the Cold War. With the “no limits” alliance proclaimed on the eve of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Putin and China’s leader, Xi Jinping, are attempting to upend the international system—and they are leaning heavily on their intelligence organs to do so. Spy agencies can do what other branches of government cannot: execute non-avowed foreign policy. Both Russian and Chinese intelligence have done so in the furtherance of their revisionist goals, taking advantage of the United States while it was distracted by the “war on terror” to damage U.S. national security, undermine Western democracies, and steal as many scientific and technical secrets as possible.
Try That In A Small Town

Watch it and share it.
Truth to Power! Love it.
See Jason Aldean’s response to the controversy and liberal attacks…class guy.