Poll: Anti-Obamacare Seniors to Once Again Decide Election

60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin, “While the ‘Thomas Dewey’ media is desperately telling us the election is over, they are substituting wishful thinking for reality.”

(Indianapolis, IN) – The 60 Plus Association, the largest conservative senior advocacy group with over 7.2 million supporters, is highlighting the findings of a new Politico/George Washington University poll showing that the largest and most engaged voting bloc in the nation — senior citizens — are giving Governor Mitt Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan a 20 point advantage in the November election matchup, 58% to 38%, with 4% undecided.

“The pro-Obama media wants us all to believe the election is over, that four more years are in the bag,” said 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, “but the only thing ‘in the bag’ are the media spin-meisters for the Obama campaign.  Unbiased polls show this race is still a dead-heat, with seniors moving more and more into the Romney column.

“The 2012 election is starting to look a lot like 2010, when few predicted the devastating losses that the Democrat party would suffer because of their support of government-run healthcare, and their reckless trillion dollar deficits.  Six weeks out from the November election, we are seeing signs that the ‘senior tsunami’ of 2010 is due to make an encore appearance in 2012.”

In 2010, seniors aged 65 and older comprised nearly a quarter of all voters, and still remain opposed to the President’s healthcare overhaul and strongly disapprove of the way he’s handling his duties as President.

Said Martin, “The media wants to put everyone to sleep by releasing poll after poll, most of which are biased and skewed to the Democrats.  But America’s seniors are wide awake and will once again be the deciding factor come November 6th.”

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