Protecting Medicare

While Democrats love to claim sole credit for Medicare‘s enactment, they also love to raid it to pay for other programs they are fond of promoting. This is a charge that currently rings true as the Biden, Pelosi, Schumer triumvirate is raiding it to pay for much of their infrastructure legislation.

The 60 Plus Association keeps a close watch on Medicare, a program more than 60 million seniors have paid into and deserve its benefits, and we came across a column written and published by Chris Jacobs a few months ago. It deserves further attention simply because it exposes their craven infrastructure plan for what it is, a raid on Medicare! 

Read our Op-Ed in the Washington Times – Democrats Raid Medicare!

Exposing the Medicare Negotiation Scam

Electronic Billboards

We have placed our message of protecting Medicare for American seniors across the country. Strategically placed billboards have been a highly effective way to raise awareness of the attacks on the Medicare system that are taking place behind closed doors.

Television Commercials

Whether you call it a bait & switch, sham, or a con so-called Medicare negotiation is just a plain old fashioned scam. We produced three television commercials to illustrate the point. Traditional television ads are still a highly effective way to reach seniors across the nation.

LATEST AD! “Doctor’s Office Visit”

The Washington Scam Masters

The Computer Virus


Social Media Blitz

6o Plus utilizes multiple social media platforms to amplify our message and reach seniors across the nation. While we leverage the usual platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube we also take advantage of niche platforms such as Rumble, Gettr, Parler, and USA.Life to reach an audience others tend to miss. With our weekly news recap video and new “Senior Spotlight” video, we can effectively communicate an advocacy message reaching seniors in a new and exciting way.

Our Medicare message was injected into these platforms and communication conduits with resounding success.