Reform Medicare Now and Save Healthcare for Future Seniors, Says 60 Plus Chair

“Sniveling Democrats” are “weak, gutless”

ALEXANDRIA, VA. – Jim Martin, Chairman of the 60 Plus Association, today issued the following statement in defense of Rep. Paul Ryan’s Medicare-saving reform proposal:

“If we do nothing, the Congressional Budget Office estimates Medicare will be bankrupt in about 10 years, which seems to be what Democrats crave for political gain.  President Obama, Minority Leader Pelosi and Senator Reid continue to hide their heads in the sand and that is not leadership.  It is irresponsible to seniors who have paid their dues to Medicare.

“These Democrats – the same ones who used scare tactics when President Bush proposed a way to save Social Security – are on the attack when a courageous proposal to save Medicare is put forward.  Despite their frequent attacks, Democrats have failed to do anything – even though they controlled the White House and Congress for the last two years.  That is weak, gutless and lily-livered.

“America can no longer survive on the empty rhetoric of politicians.  Our country – the nation so many seniors have fought to protect – is crippled by a $14.3 trillion debt, and entitlement programs are at the heart of that problem.

“Shackled by skyrocketing healthcare costs and overloaded with approximately 10,000 seniors being added to the rolls daily, Medicare as we know it has already died.  Unfortunately, ObamaCare further jeopardized seniors’ access to health services.

“RyanCare, however, ensures current and soon-to-be seniors will have complete access to the existing Medicare programs, while those under 55 will have the peace of mind that a sustainable Medicare program will be available for them and their children.  Available to them will be the same federal employee health benefit program now enjoyed by government workers, but more importantly, by 435 Members of the House and 100 Senators.  At 60 Plus, we say, if it is good enough for a Senator, it can’t be anything but good for future seniors!

“Some have argued Medicare reform is politically reckless, but I believe the individuals willing to stand up for seniors by supporting Rep. Ryan’s budget proposal emanate the kind of refreshing leadership and boldness that is needed in Washington.”

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