Same Song, Second Verse

“Semantic cesspool in politicalese”

Statement by 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin on State of the Union Address

(Alexandria, Virginia) – “In the aftermath of massive voter rejection of his philosophy the President is to be admired for sticking to his big government, big spending ways.  The words changed, instead of spending, the President now proposes to invest taxpayer’s money. Sort of a semantic cesspool in politicalese. It’s the same song he sang in 2008 when campaigning. But his 2008 rhetoric ran in to 2010 reality.  The same outcome is shaping up for 2012 unless voters are listened to more closely, specifically the elderly who are still on the march.

“Seniors overwhelmingly voted against out of control spending and clearly rejected Obamacare as the wrong prescription for what ails health care.   Seniors made up over 23 percent of those who voted in the mid-terms and voted in huge numbers against Democrats in Congress who followed their leadership’s big government advice.

“At 60 Plus we predicted as far back as August,  2009 that Republicans would regain control of the House of Representatives, due to a senior citizen tsunami flooding towards the halls of Congress.  We were ignored for a long time but eventually our allies and our opponents began to notice.  Three weeks out we began predicting that “60 plus” Democrats would lose in the House, an alliteration to our name to be sure but amazingly on the money with 63 losses the final count.

“On the issue of Social Security I do find 60 Plus aligned with our big spending rivals at the AARP, an occurrence that happens infrequently because of differing philosophies, 60 Plus for limited government and less taxes while AARP espouses the opposite.  But on the entitlement program we at 60 Plus have been speaking out loud and clear against any cuts to benefits to help lower the massive debt.  Social Security is not a party to the creation of this unsustainable debt.  No, the pilferers of the Social Security Trust Fund–Members of Congress–are the debt creators, and AARP’s chief, Barry Rand,  forcefully made that argument in response to the state of the union address.

“On little else, however, do we agreee with AARP.”
