Senior Advocacy Efforts

Founded in 1992 by Chairman Jim Martin, the 60 Plus Association is a non-partisan senior’s advocacy group with a free enterprise, less government, less taxes approach to senior’s issues.

60 Plus has spent the past 29 years building our network of seniors nationwide with particular efforts to educate them on issues that affect them, their children and grandchildren.

The Financial Times said, on November 1, 2010: “This year no political organization has tried to sway older voters more than a group called 60 Plus.”

Byron Tau, reporter for Politico  in emphasizing the importance of the senior vote, quoted 60 Plus on November 7, 2010: “I’ve been saying since August 2009, that there was a tsunami — in this case a senior citizen tsunami — headed towards Capitol Hill,” said Jim Martin, chairman of the 60 Plus Association, a conservative campaign group targeted toward older voters. “That tsunami came ashore.”

Our strength lies in our seniors’ activism. We call on more than 5 million activists nationwide to help us get our message to Congress and state legislatures. 60 Plus activists are engaged in every level of the process. They participate in press conferences, call their Members, write letters, craft op-eds, participate in tele-townhalls, attend rallies, and testify before various committees.

Here is just a sample of our advocacy efforts that have met with tremendous success.

Medicare “Scam Masters”

We recently led an effort to raise awareness of members of Congress using Medicare as a “piggy bank” to pay for wasteful projects. You can read our op-ed published in the Washington Post here or you can view our television commercial below.

Florida Storm Hardening

A piece of legislation was before the Florida House of Representatives that would lead utility companies to move their
power lines underground. 60 Plus mobilized in support of House Bill 797 and it passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. 60 Plus utilized Op-Eds, expert testimony before the Florida House, a broad social media campaign, and good old fashioned phone calls to get our message out. You can read our case study here.

SEC Grassroots Efforts

The 60 Plus Association has successfully brought together a coalition of grassroots organizations to raise awareness regarding the relatively obscure issue of Proxy Advisors related to financial investments. This two fold effort brought the issue to the forefront of the Securities and Exchange Commission, while simultaneously educating the general public on the subject.

In a December 6, 2019 Bloomberg article, ADLF President Brad Woodhouse was quoted as saying: “what makes 60 Plus’s efforts uniquely troubling is how clear an effect they had on the proceedings,” referring to SEC rule making process.

You can read the case study here.

Kill The Death Tax!

Jim Martin, founder & chairman of the 60 Plus Association, has been fighting for repeal of the “Death Tax”(Inheritance Tax) for over 25 years.

“Jim (Martin) deserves particular credit for leading the movement to repeal the Death Tax.”

-President George W. Bush