Voters say no way to rationing

Voters say no way to rationing

By James L. Martin
With the November election fast approaching, politicians in both parties are struggling to best position themselves on healthcare reform. A new poll provides some surprising insights into what a winning strategy on this issue might look like.

President Obama Misleads Americans

Obamacare Causes Federal Employees Premiums to Rise

Jim Martin, Chairman of the 60 Plus Association today issued the following statement regarding the Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry’s announcement that the costs of the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program are expected to rise by 7.2 percent, while private-sector plans are anticipated to rise by 8.9 to 10.5 percent…

60 Plus Launches New Ad, Challenges Bishop’s Record

The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, recently launched a in New York’s 1st Congressional District that challenges Rep. Tim Bishop’s record.

New 60 Plus Ad Targets Carney’s Record

The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, recently launched a new ad that puts a spotlight on Rep. Christopher Carney’s record.

60 Plus Highlights Murphy’s Record in New Ad

The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, recently launched a new television ad in New York’s 20th Congressional District that highlights Scott Murphy’s record.

Senior citizens will wage war against Democratic spending in November

By Jim Martin
This is a his­toric elec­tion. Wash­ing­ton rammed the stim­u­lus pack­age, Oba­maCare, finan­cial reform and a half a trillion-dollar cut to Medicare down our throats, and now, it is time for us to give it back to them.

Pat Boone talks to TheDC about organizing the first Beverly Hills Tea Party

The Daily Caller
In 104-degree weather last weekend, legendary entertainer Pat Boone helped attract 600 Tea Partiers to a rally in Beverly Hills, Calif., the backyard of some of the country’s most outspoken liberal celebrities.