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Medicare needs to eliminate cost sharing for needed vaccines

Seniors deserve protection from infectious disease By Saul Anuzis and Jim Martin – – Monday, November 8, 2021 The Medicare Part D program has been a case study for a successful program that has relied …

60 Plus supports the Senior Citizens’ Freedom to Work Act, S.3101

Download the letter here Dear Senators Scott and Rubio: On behalf of more than five million senior supporters of 60 Plus, the American Association of Senior Citizens, we are writing in support …

Biden Keeps Repeating “The Big Lie”

President Joe Biden keeps insisting that his infrastructure bill will cost “zero” dollars.  The White House tweeted this claim again on October 17th: Michael Boskin wrote an Op-ed on MSN entitled “Biden …

Pat Boone Sings Praises of Kevin Brady; Bestows Coveted Franklin Award

Pat Boone, one of Hollywood’s legendary movie and TV stars from the 1950s honored retiring Texas Republican Congressman Kevin Brady with a Benjamin Franklin Award from 60 Plus, the American Association of …

Conservatives Urge Congress To De-fund Vaccine Mandates

Conservatives oppose, in the strongest terms, vaccine mandates imposed at the federal, state, military, and corporate level, and we urge Congress to defund the federal vaccine mandate at the soonest opportunity. As …

60 Plus Supports H.R. 1978, Protecting Seniors Through Immunization Act of 2021

The Honorable Frank Pallone  Chairman Committee on Energy and Commerce 2125 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515  The Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers Ranking Member Committee on Energy and Commerce 2125 Rayburn …

Conservatives Oppose Drafting Our Daughters

Conservatives vehemently oppose adding women to registration for the military draft, as is currently required by the House-passed version of the National Defense Authorization Act. Our defense policy should have a sole …

ATR Leads Coalition Letter Opposing IRS Financial Reporting Requirement

Today, Americans for Tax Reform led a coalition letter in opposition to the proposed new reporting regime to have the IRS collect the account inflows and outflows for bank, loan, and investment accounts as …

Don’t pass a law that would halt research into new cures

H.R. 3 must be defeated By Saul Anuzis – – Wednesday, October 6, 2021 Originally published in The Washington Times Democratic lawmakers are playing a dangerous game with the lives of American …

Illusory Climate Benefits: CEI Comments on EPA’s Motor Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards

Originally published at CEI submitted comments yesterday on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed greenhouse gas (GHG) emission standards for motor vehicles during model years 2023 through 2026. The EPA claims that the proposed standards …