Saul’s News

America – Love It or Leave It!

“Envy was once considered to be one of the seven deadly sins before it became one of the most admired virtues under its new name, ‘social justice.’” Thomas Sowell America – Love …

Happy Independence Day – If We Can Keep It?!?

God Bless America! Independence Day: The crazy left is taking the greatest country on earth and trying to turn it into some kind of socialist utopia which has NEVER worked anywhere in the …

Forget Trump – Sanity Hijacked!

Forget Trump: It doesn’t matter if you like Trump or don’t like Trump. This upcoming election is no longer about Trump vs Biden, it’s about western civilization as we know it versus anarchy, revolution …

The Beatles & Orwell’s 1984

We are living in an era when sanity is controversial and insanity is just another viewpoint—and degeneracy only another lifestyle. Thomas Sowell Civil rights used to be about treating everyone the same. …

ANTIFA Hijacks Legitimate Demonstration

ANTIFA is Dangerous: The goal of ANTIFA is nothing less than fomenting revolution, civil war and silencing anyone who disagrees with their agenda. Leftist Democrats have orchestrated the hijacking of their party. Don’t underestimate …

It’s Time for Law and Order

Bad Cops & ANTIFA:  Any chance we can have a bipartisan consensus to get rid of bad cops and domestic terrorists? Prosecute bad cops, domestic terrorists, rioters, thieves and those who destroy …

George Floyd Deserves Justice

SpaceX and NASA: Congratulations! How awesome was that launch?! George Floyd: NO excuses. This should have never happened. Justice must be served. This is not an excuse to destroy cities, rob stores or create chaos. Those hooligans belittle the …

They lied….they spied…and they tried to cover it up!

Memorial Day: It’s NOT about burgers & hot dogs. America honors those who served and more importantly, those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can be free!   We take a lot …

Obamagate Makes Watergate Look Amateurish

Obamagate: The facts that are coming out daily show an unbelievable attempt at the highest levels of the Obama Administration to not only affect an election, but possibly implement a “legal coup” using …

Eventually, Justice is Served

Never Again: What makes the United States of America unique in the world is that we are a Republic, based on the rule of law, not some political mob at any given point …