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The Left Going Moderate?!? – Really???

The Soviet Union’s Khrushchev 60 years ago….“Your children’s children will live under communism. You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright; but, we will keep feeding you small doses …

If America Falls, Where Will You Go?

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” -George Orwell, 1984 Biden – “Antifa is an idea” (that loots and riots…amazing!) Trump vs COVID, Mainstream Media …

Music Legend Pat Boone Sings Praises Of Andrew Clyde

Legendary entertainer Pat Boone, National Spokesman for the 60 Plus Association, announced today that Georgia’s Ninth District Republican candidate Andrew Clyde has earned the Association’s Guardian of Seniors’ Rights award. Clyde won the GOP …

Let’s Make It Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett

Appoint and Confirm: President Trump has nominated Amy Coney Barrett, a superbly qualified jurist for the Supreme Court. She was previously vetted and confirmed by the Senate. Most Senators spent weeks reviewing and studying …


Legendary entertainer Pat Boone, National Spokesman for the 60 Plus Association, announced today that Tennessee First District candidate Diana Harshbarger has earned the Association’s Guardian of Seniors’ Rights award. She won the GOP primary …

Social Security at 85

President Trump vows to “totally protect” Social Security and he means it 60 Plus Founder and Chairman Jim Martin Thursday issued the following statement on the 85th anniversary of the signing of …

Biden-Harris Ticket Tees-Up ‘Medicare For None’

2020 Democrat ticket poses ‘existential threat’ to seniors’ health care 60 Plus Founder and Chairman Jim Martin Wednesday issued the following statement on the selection of Senator Kamala Harris as the running …

We Must Protect Access to Vital Telemedicine Services

Saul Anuzis is president of The 60 Plus Association. Seniors have been taking advantage of telemedicine services, often accessed via their smartphones, tablets or laptops, for some time now. But the coronavirus …

Coalition of 24 Groups Oppose Energy Tax Credit Extension

Leader McConnell and Chairman Grassley: On behalf of millions of taxpayers and consumers across the country, we are writing to express our opposition to extending the production tax credit (PTC) and the …

Coalition Commends Sens. Cassidy and Wicker for Healthcare Legislation Without Price Controls

Dear Senators Cassidy and Wicker: As you debate and consider health legislation for the remainder of this Congress, the undersigned groups representing millions of taxpayers and consumers commend you for introducing bills …