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Chairman Jim Martin with Vivek Ramaswamy

60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin with Vivek Ramaswamy discussing how to best protect and strengthen Social Security.

Saul Anuzis: Allowing pharmacies to administer vaccines is smart policy

Though it feels like we have been living under the threat of COVID forever, the three-year federal Public Health Emergency declaration recently came to an end. Yet even as we celebrate this …

Federal bureaucrats tout equity while championing burdensome regulations that harm minorities

By Kelly Mitchell, Director of Minority Outreach Originally published in The Washington Examiner here There is no shortage of examples of hypocrisy from big government federal agencies, but few are as glaring …

Modernizing Medicare

Top policy experts offer Medicare reform solutions for the millions of seniors whose health care depends on America’s fastest growing federal entitlement. In Modernizing Medicare, editors Robert Emmet Moffit and Marie Fishpaw bring together a rare combination …

Can You Trust Your Money Managers?

By Steve Moore, Founder, Committee to Unleash Prosperity Every American wants to live comfortably in their old age. Many of them plan for it by investing in various retirement mechanisms over the …

Conservatives to Speaker Kevin McCarthy: ‘Hold the Line’ on Debt Ceiling

May 24, 2023 Dear Speaker McCarthy and Leader McConnell: Congratulations fighting back against the economically catastrophic $5 trillion Biden spending and debt spree that imperils our nation’s economic and national security – …

Scott Parkinson Senate Candidate from Virginia

Scott Parkinson, U. S. Senate candidate in Virginia, meeting to discuss Social Security and Medicare with Jim Martin, Chairman of 60 Plus, the American Association of Senior Citizens.

Carla Spalding

Chairman Martin with Carla Spalding from Florida’s 25th Congressional District discussing how to protect Social Security & Medicare. Veterans care and benefits were also an important topic!

Federal offshore wind, oil and gas leasing process needs urgent congressional reform

On behalf of the undersigned organizations, representing a diverse coalition of freemarket, consumer, and taxpayer advocates, we write to express the need for regulatory certaintyfor to enable the use of all of …

FreedomWorks Sends Letter to Members of Congress Urging Them To Oppose The Railway Safety Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In response to Congress’ Railway Safety Act – introduced following the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio – FreedomWorks sent a letter to Members of Congress urging them to oppose …