Saul’s News

Wow… Spies Lie to Help Democrats… Scary Stuff!!!

Spies Lie for Politics: Unbelievable, “extraordinary admission by career intelligence officer Michael J. Morell provides stunning evidence that the now-infamous letter from 51 security officials in October 2021 was not an organic intelligence …

Moving Forward…we have options!

Great Candidates Stepping Forward: Week after week, more and more impressive, capable, and winnable candidates have entered the presidential sweepstakes. As you listen to these candidates, study their proposals, and hear the excitement …

Justice MUST Be Blind

I’m very concerned the Democrats are letting a genie out of bottle that will be VERY hard to put back in. We started with ANTIFA and Black Lives Matters riots and now there …

Weaponizing Government is a Bad Idea

Political Witch Hunt: Weaponization of the legal system is a travesty. The indictment of a former President of the United States on a campaign finance issue is an outrage. This is nothing more …

Politicization of Law Enforcement is VERY Problematic

Justice Must be Blind: Disagreeing with someone’s political views or harboring personal animosity is not a basis for criminal prosecution.  This isn’t about Donald Trump…it’s about the rule of law in our …

DeSantis – Ukraine – Russian – Winning Elections

DeSantis on Ukraine and Russia: He’s right…and he’s wrong. We do have a vital interest in Ukraine. The United States and their allies convinced Ukraine to give up their nuclear arsenal upon the Soviet Union’s …

Coalitions Win…Arrogance Loses

TAXES – Democrats Want MORE Taxes: Republicans are frustrated as the Democrats proposed their new budget…typical Biden Democrat’s solution…more taxes. No cuts. No discipline. No addressing waste. No efficiencies. Just more taxes. The rhetoric is …

Optimistic…but be prepared

Totalitarianism: Government coordinated censorship, woke purging of voices, suppression of free speech, and politicization of too many government agencies are NOT a good thing. There is a very good article shared below …

War on Ukraine – And now there are three!

Ukraine – One Year Ago Today: One year ago today, Russian thug Vladimir Putin launched the invasion of Ukraine. What he thought would take him days to accomplish has turned into a nightmare …

And now there are two

Republicans for President: And now there are two. Former Ambassador Nikki Haley joined former President Donald Trump as the first two officially announced candidates seeking the Republican nomination for president. Here is a …