Congressman Bob Good from Virginia

Congressman Bob Good from Virginia

Chairman Martin with Rep Bob Good discussing strengthening Social Security and Medicare for our Seniors.

Congressman Bill Posey of Florida

Chairman Martin at the CHC with Congressman Bill Posey. Rep Posey always praised the Pat Boone campaign calls. He said in 17 years of campaigning nothing ever impressed his constituents as much …

Is the American Dream Dead?

Is Justice Blind: The House Oversight Committee publicly, openly, and convincingly raised some legitimate concerns about the Biden’s “pay for play” mode of operating. DOJ and the FBI have jumped on Republicans and conservatives …

Carla Spalding

Chairman Martin with Carla Spalding from Florida’s 25th Congressional District discussing how to protect Social Security & Medicare. Veterans care and benefits were also an important topic!

Are Democrats Overplaying Their Hand?!?

Debt Ceiling Debate: It’s a problem. The Republicans are willing go along with an increase in the debt ceiling with some cuts in discretionary spending. Biden and the Democrats want NO cuts… just more spending. …

Biden’s Follies Fool America’s Voters???

Biden… Again?: This man’s policies, or more accurately his willingness to let the progressive left set his policies, are a disaster for America! Illegal immigration is out of control, open borders, crime is …

Wow… Spies Lie to Help Democrats… Scary Stuff!!!

Spies Lie for Politics: Unbelievable, “extraordinary admission by career intelligence officer Michael J. Morell provides stunning evidence that the now-infamous letter from 51 security officials in October 2021 was not an organic intelligence …

Moving Forward…we have options!

Great Candidates Stepping Forward: Week after week, more and more impressive, capable, and winnable candidates have entered the presidential sweepstakes. As you listen to these candidates, study their proposals, and hear the excitement …

Justice MUST Be Blind

I’m very concerned the Democrats are letting a genie out of bottle that will be VERY hard to put back in. We started with ANTIFA and Black Lives Matters riots and now there …

Weaponizing Government is a Bad Idea

Political Witch Hunt: Weaponization of the legal system is a travesty. The indictment of a former President of the United States on a campaign finance issue is an outrage. This is nothing more …