Modernizing Medicare

Modernizing Medicare

Top policy experts offer Medicare reform solutions for the millions of seniors whose health care depends on America’s fastest growing federal entitlement. In Modernizing Medicare, editors Robert Emmet Moffit and Marie Fishpaw bring together a rare combination …

Terms of Use

Terms & Conditions – Updated June 7, 2023 Introduction This document is a legal contract between you (“User,” “Subscriber” or “Customer”), and 60 Plus, the software provider. 60 Plus provides its software …

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy – Updated June 7, 2023 Introduction 60 Plus respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it. This policy describes the types of information we may collect from you or …


Biden’s New Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Regulation (MFAR) 2.0 Is Big Government Hypocrisy at Its Worst. MFAR 2.0 Would Raise Taxes, Hurt Jobs, And Harm Poor Seniors. Overview On February 17, 2023, the …

More Republicans Enter the Race for President

The GOP Field Grows: As Republicans consider electability and the ability to serve 8 years versus going in as a ‘lame duck,’ more and more candidates for President emerge. Trump, DeSantis, Pence, Haley, …

Can You Trust Your Money Managers?

By Steve Moore, Founder, Committee to Unleash Prosperity Every American wants to live comfortably in their old age. Many of them plan for it by investing in various retirement mechanisms over the …

Memorial Day – It’s Really NOT About Hot Dogs, Barbeques, and a Day Off

Memorial Day: It is a time for the country to reflect and remember—on the men and women who have sacrificed for our country, on the principles upon which the nation was founded, …

Conservatives to Speaker Kevin McCarthy: ‘Hold the Line’ on Debt Ceiling

May 24, 2023 Dear Speaker McCarthy and Leader McConnell: Congratulations fighting back against the economically catastrophic $5 trillion Biden spending and debt spree that imperils our nation’s economic and national security – …

Liberal Policies Destroying America – from the Economy, Race Baiting, to Open Borders!

Liberal Policies Killing the Middle Class: A stunning simple explanation of what liberal policies are doing to America and its middle class…those of us who have to work for a living. “It is …

Scott Parkinson Senate Candidate from Virginia

Scott Parkinson, U. S. Senate candidate in Virginia, meeting to discuss Social Security and Medicare with Jim Martin, Chairman of 60 Plus, the American Association of Senior Citizens.